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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

General Enquiries

London - Brighton Commercials:
Date of 2015 London-Brighton Commercial Run ?:  On May ?th.

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Date of 2013
London - Brighton Veteran Car Run?: Novemb.1st

Monaco Motor Museum 2001:
Click here for more info on the Prince Rainier Car Collection.
Edenbridge & Oxted Show :
Historic Vehicle Display; JackieVince Shearman;  Tel: 01737 645843


The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 90 below relates to enquiries received during 2015Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:   SVVS HELP PAGES EXCEED 2,000 Enquiries Received and Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1901 Liberia 6.5HP Voiturette
Very blurry enlargement of postcard received from Mark Peters (UK) of an ancestor's car outside the local church in Wouldham, Kent. The number plate seems 'D 1205'. -- Lot of head scratching on this one including great help from Kent History Centre  who advised D1205 was a Humberette, which this car is not. For D1206 illegible entry looking 'Lilenia'. Our Ariejan Bos put it all together and is relatively sure this is a French  cca 1901 LIBERIA 6.5HP Voiturette  from British agents in Hull.

1901 Liberia 6.5HP Voiturette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Probably cca1904 Mercedes Racer
Another photo received from  Georges Truffaut (Belgium) of vehicles they are trying to identify. Some people think this is Peugeot type 92 (1907) but he has his doubts.  -- So do we. Two of our wise sages agree this is probably a racing car converted to road use. If a Peugeot then not a standard model. Two Versions of type 92 made, but 'not big enough'. Ariejan Bos is sure this is a cca 1904 Mercedes, (50 or 70 HP) with cca 1909  'Prince Henry'  type body.   (Jenatzy had Belgian plates!)

Probably c1904 Mercedes Racer Rebodied

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1905 Alldays 7HP Swing Seat Tonneau
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs or old Postcards, including those on Rootschat and those for sale on Ebay, of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  --   Registration is Surrey County Council and the car is a cca 1905 Aldays 7HP Swing Seat Tonneau. Alldays & Onions founded 1889 made bicycles and motorcycles; first car in 1898 a quad, followed by 7HP as on picture.

1905 Aldays 7HP Swing Seat Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Argyll 10'12 Tourer
Link passed to us by Mark Dawber (New Zealand) to a photo from Stauart Neill who is trying to identify car possibly belonging to his Grandfather, photographed in Auckland.   -- The car was relatively easy, being a vehicle manufactured in Alexandria, Scotland, a cca 1907 Argyll 10'12 Tourer. What is quite unusual are the wheels and hubs. It seems the tyres are solids and that the hubs may be hiding some patent form of internal springing (a la Spherola), the car also having normal springs.

1907 Argyll 10'12 Tourer

Link passed to us by Mark Dawber (New Zealand) to a photo on the t website of an  "Unknown Coach" . -- Not a coach but a very big car, a cca 1908 Darracq. Number of models but as it is a big one, so probably a 40 or a 50HP. Recognisable by the double D logo, one reversed, and the Crossley like widows peak badge position on the rad. This was for only one year cca 1907/8. Same car is shown elsewhere on the web  '...leaving  Aerodrome  at  Bournemouth'.

1908 Darracq 'Coach'

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Probably c1908 Brennabor A1 
Couple of blurry photos of postcards received from Thomas Goluchowski, Bierun (Poland) from about 1912 showing probably the first car in the town which was then in Prussia. -- -- Photos are scanned at low resolution so no info when magnified. Have asked for better but got no reply. Best guess from a wavy bonnet and slanting logo on rad is a cca 1908 Brennabor A1 made in Brandenburg an den Havel (Slavic : Brennabor) Prussia, not far from boarder and the late Berun in Prussia. 

Probably c1908 Brennabor A1Two-seater

Lovely photo of a chassis received from Stephen Ashton (UK) from a glass slide, one of many, that all appear to be associated with this marque. This one is entitled 30HP six cylinder. It is clearly a veteran. Hope you can help. -- One of our (smug) wise sages advises it is a 30hp Humber, available according to the Humber book only in 1908 and 1909. Made in their Coventry, not Beeston works. 5590cc, wheelbase 9ft 10, 4-speed gearbox. One survivor in Australia with optional Humber wires.

1908'9 Humber 30HP Chassis

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1910 Darracq 14'16 Landaulette
Link passed to us by Mark Dawber (New Zealand) to a photo on the transpres nz website where there is a photograph simply headed 1915 Humber. Mark was questioning the dating.  He thought it was earlier? -- We are questioning the dating and the manufacturer. The louvers seem wrong as does the filler ? Humber louvres are smaller and there is more of them. The body style is certainly earlier. To us this looks a cca 1910 Darracq 14'16 Landaulette.  The  photo is a  little  distorted,  oval wheel!

1910 Darracq 14'16 Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1911 Daimler 25 HP Landaulette
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs or old Postcards, including those on Rootschat and those for sale on Ebay, of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  --  This is a Coventry built car that had the Royal Warrant from as early as 1902 and which was, by the time this vehicle was built, part of Birmingham Small Arms company. This is a nice cca 1911 Daimler 25 HP Landaulette.

1911 Daimler 25 HP Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Probably cca 1912 Berliet Tourer
Another fascinating photograph from our regular contributor Cicos Florin in Constanta by the Black Sea (Romania) who is interested in old cars of Romania.  Do we know what this is?   --  Another where a lot of head scratching went on and is not a definite identification, but our Ariejan Bos is quite positive it is a cca 1911'12 Berliet Tourer. This is from front wheel hub, number of wheel bolts, radiator filler cap, spring system etc.  Rad badge is missing,  and the rear hub looks  broken off ?

Probably c1912 Berliet Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1913 Hotchkiss 12'16 Tourer
Another fascinating photograph from our regular contributor Cicos Florin in Constanta by the Black Sea (Romania) who is interested in old cars of Romania.  Do we know what this is?   --  French car in spa resort town of Slanic-Moldova on the slope of the Eastern Carpathians by river Slanic. The vehicle is a  Paris made cca 1913 Hotchkiss 12'16 15.9HP Tourer. Hotckisss was an armaments manufacturer that went into cars in 1903 to 1955,  merged with Delahaye & made jeeps / trucks to 1971. 

1913 Hotchkiss 12'16 Tourer

Cinema screen grab taken from a French made-for-TV film 'Les Fusilles' made in 2015, where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Film is about two brothers who are mobilised in 1914 and accused of desertion and due to be shot..  --  Suggestion made that the vehicle was a Clement Bayard but the bulkhead radiator is wrong. It is however a known French film car which is a cca 1914 Charron 6 HP Torpedo, Version Militaire.  Defined on various internet pages as a "Type TA . TM".

1914 Charron 6 HP Torpedo

Relatively unique photo received Colin Bickell (UK) of a car being driven by his father in about 1920, in front of the Britannia Inn, Wolseley Road, Plymouth, UK. All his efforts to identify the car have failed. -- Quite uncommon underslung chassis so quite an unusual American car sold in the UK by Seabrook Brothers, London EC but made by Regal Motor Company of Detroit. This is a cca 1914 Seabrook RMC 18'22 or the Model T Tourer.  Registration  is  c1914  Devonport CBC,  later Plymouth.

1914 Seabrook RMC Tourer

Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs or old Postcards, including those on Rootschat and those for sale on Ebay, of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  --  A Wolverhampton built car  by the then 6th largest UK car manufacturer. Registration R 5145 is Derby County Council and the car is a cca 1920 Star 15.9 Saloon.  Absorbed by  Guy Motors and eventually closed 1935.

1920 Star 15.9 Saloon

Lovely photo received from Neil Fleming (UK) of car being driven by his grandfather, RHB Fleming, and father and his younger brother as small boys.It was taken in Penang, Malaya, circa 1921. Hence the Penang number-plate P140. The single headlight is, apparently, very unusual. -- He then immediately came back with the right answer that it is a cca 1921 GN Sports Cyclecar. These were also made in France as Salmson-GN. Single lights were quite normal on cyclecars of the period.

1921 GN Sports Cyclecar

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1923 Unic & 1922 Renault
Cinema screen grab taken from a French made-for-TV film 'Les Fusilles' made in 2015, where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Film is about two brothers who are mobilised in 1914 and accused of desertion and due to be shot..  --  I suppose any "old car" will do for a TV film but by 2015 some degree of accuracy would have been assumed. Action was supposed to be taking place in 1914 but neither of these had been thought of; a cca 1923 Unic L1 Berline and a cca 1922 Renault OS Lorry.

1923 Unic & 1922 Renault

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1925 Studebaker Model EQ Special Six
Couple of photos received from Rosemary Canavan (France) asking if we could identify the car which belonged to her grandfather who lived in London but used the car to take the family to the seaside. The first photo shows picnicking, possibly in the New Forest. The second photo was taken at Poole Harbour. The photos were taken around the mid-1920s.  -- Rather smart American car made in Indiana advised by Mark Dawber  as  a cca 1925 Studebaker Model EQ Special Six Duple Ph.

1925 Studebaker Model EQ Special Six

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1931 Chrysler 6'62 Sedan
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs or old Postcards, including those on Rootschat and those for sale on Ebay, of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  --   Registration suggests this is a Taxi in Romania. The car is American. Distinct radiator grille, bullet headlamps, intricate  shape bumpers and sun visor advise that this car is a  cca 1931 Chrysler 6-62 4-Door Sedan.

1931 Chrysler 6'62 Sedan

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1935 Wolseley New Hornet Saloon
Interesting photo received from Darryl Brathwaite (UK) asking if we could identify car from an old family photo. On the left in his Army uniform is his Father-in-law, David Rees, to his right is his older brother Alwyn. The photograph was taken in Croydon in the late 1950's. -- Slight questioning on the model but we think this is cca 1935 Wolseley Hornet Saloon. Precise identification features are hidden by people but the New Hornet and Wasp shared body details, Wasp being made one year only. 

1935 Wolseley New Hornet Saloon

Cinema screen grab taken from a French movie 'Le voyageur de la Toussaint' made in 1943, where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Adaptaion of a Georges Simeon Novel about a young man who inherits wealth and comes up against corrupt townsfolk.  -- A rather nice sporty car made in Paris. Two crank  holes at base of rad, folding windscreen with wiper, this is a front wheel drive cca 1936 Georges Irat MDU Roadster with a Ruby 6HP engine, 1078cc, with rubber suspension.

1936 Georges Irat MDU Roadster

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1937 De Soto S3 Touring Sedan
Cinema screen grab taken from a British short film 'London Scrapbook, 1942' made in 1942, where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Basically a collection of scenes about an American actress Bessie Love driving around the streets of London during WW2.  -- December 1937 Surrey registration plate but script seems a bit suspect. The car is a cca 1937 De Soto S3 Four-door Touring Sedan (poss UK built) with a wartime blackout mask on the fog-lamp and sidelamps.

1937 De Soto S3 Four-door Touring Sedan

Another interesting photo sent to us by Andrew Kostin from Moscow (Russia) who is a collector of old photos. Can we identify this photo taken in 1945 and showing three Red Army officers somewhere in liberated Europe.  -- The soldiers are hiding most of the car so it difficult to be precise on the year but it is from the Opel 1.2L Cabriolet range. These had two or four doors, 1193cc four.  The 1.2 was manufactured from 1931 and 1935,  and was  also available in 1933 as  995cc Opel 1.0.

1937 Opel 1.2 Cabriolet

Photo posted on AACA website by TG (USA) saying the slide was taken in Cannes in 1958. He has identified the other cars but not the black car second from left.   -- Mark Daber thought we might know, and indeed our Tony Oakes came up with the possible make. A bit more searching came up with it being a French cca 1949 Salmson S4 Berline. The door closing match, the chrome bodyline stripe, the chrome roof gutter and chrome guard on front of mudguard, the wheels all also seem to match.

1949 Salmson S4 Berline

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1950 Ford Custom Fordor Sedan
Couple of photos received from Kate Erle (USA) saying these were taken in the woods in Orange county, North Carolina, USA. Obviously it somehow landed upside down, but any ideas on the make/model/year? Couldn't find any identifying marks at all, but not sure where to look.  -- We have rotated photos for ease of viewing and Mark Dawber now advises this in an American car, a cca 1950 Ford Custom Fordor Sedan. Most have chrome disc in the roundel  and others have put a light there.

1950 Ford Custom Fordor Sedan

Frustrating photo received from Richard Gilbert (Canada) of his Grandfather in a car in which is suppose to be 1935-ish in Aldershot, Hampshire, England. He thought it may be an Austin. -- The bulbous bit of coachwork below the bonnet side should tell all, but we have circulated this to all our internal and international experts, and including the AACA, but nobody has come up with any suggestion of what it may be. General feeling of a 'special' possibly built in UK. Any Help welcome!

Unknown cca 1931 Coupe
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam:

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 2155

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  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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