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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page128 below relates to enquiries received during 2018Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 3,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Possibly 1905 Darracq 12HP Tonneau
Another lovely photo received from Nigel Stemson (New Zealand) taken in New Zealand but there is no background story to the photo. -- Quite a difficult photo to identify because mainly bodywork visible and bodies would have been made by external coachwork companies. I thought perhaps Scottish Argyll but our Ariejan Bos thinks a cca 1905 Darracq Tonneau, possibly 12 hp. All elements tell him car could be attributed to French Darracq, although short radiator filling pipe is not very common.

Possibly 1905 Darracq 12HP Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Riley 9Hp Two-Seat Tourer
Lovely photo received from Nigel Stemson (New Zealand?) of his great uncle's car in Christchurch. Curious how short the front is, where is the engine, or is it electric? -- Not electric but petrol and the engine is under the driver's seat. The whole of the rear body pivots at the far back to reveal a water cooled 1034cc V-Twin engine connected to the front rad. Patented detachable wheels. Company started with bicycles, then tri-cars, quads. Cars 1905. This is cca 1907 Riley 9Hp Tourer  up to 1911.

1907 Riley 9Hp Two-Seat Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1908 Straker Squire Runabout
Continuing the theme of poorish photos from Mike Statham of Insole Research Group (UK) of car owned by Eric Insole outside Brown's Hotel in Albermarle Street c1907. Darracq?  -- Not Darracq, but a British car. We have much repaired photo and can advise from the raised radiator header tank above bonnet line that this is a Starker Squire. It is fitted with the rakish Runabout body. Dating is complicated by some sources saying it was introduced 1908 but others as 15HP Two seater in 1910. 

c1908 Straker Squire Runabout

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1910 Argyll Landaulette
Puzzling period  photo received from Trevor Howard (UK) of a car pictured outside the East Lodge of the Surrey Lunatic Asylum (aka Brookwood Hospital), Knaphill, Surrey. The registration is B, P or R 6649. The photo is a postcard postmarked June 1913 so must be earlier than that. -- Vehicle shape suggests c07'09 so would be P for Surrey c1910 as B&R are nearer 20s. Car is Scottish, built in Alexandria and is a cca 1910 Argyll Landaulette. The 15HP was available for  +/-3  years.

c1910 Argyll Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Probably c1914 Opel 5'14PS Tourer
Puzzling enquiry received from Pär Sörliden (Sweden) about a model identification of an Opel at a Car Museum in Sweden from around 1912. Museum says that the car is a 1912  Opel 5/12 PS. Previous owner thought it was a 4/8 PS. Another Swedish vintage car enthusiast thinks it is a 1912 Opel 9/25 PS. Do we have any Opel experts who can say for sure? --  Regretfully we do not have any wise sages on Opel but we think this is a cca 1914 Opel 5'14, 1.4L Puppchen, or the later 1.5L 14.5.

Probably c1914 Opel 5'14PS Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1920s Glover Steam Truck
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) was intrigued by this photo featured on facebook. Photo is labeled 'Glover steam truck Eagle works Warwick England.1920s' -- William Glover made a 'lorrie' in Warwick 1899. 1906 made 2 & 3HP oil/petrol engines, and vans, wagons and carts, not trucks? Became Eagle Engineering 1907, 1937 trailer and body builders. 1972 acquired by Hestair who also owned Dennis Bros. Denis Eagle is currently 2nd largest world dustcart maker!

c1920s Glover Steam Truck

Puzzling period  photo received from Trevor Howard (UK) of a vehicle pictured outside of the Woking Electric Supply Company, Woking, Surrey.  -- Regretfully the registration is not visible, so not an aid in precise dating. The vehicle is a charabanc, very popular in-period for communal works outings. This one is distinctly Italian, manufactured in Turin and sold in the UK by WL Stewart, Piccadilly. This one is cca 1922 Lancia Charabanc, small one so probably on the Lancia Kappa Chassis.

c1922 Lancia Charabanc

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1924 Delage D1 Coupe Chauffeur
Cinema screen grab taken from a 2017 French film "Au revoir là-haut (See You Up There) being investigated by IMCDB. Film about two French disfigured soldiers due WW1 trying a con to make a fortune with war victims' corpses.  -- Events are supposed to be taking place end of WW1 so +/-1919. Not seen film but it has some strangely dated vehicles. This one was not made until at least 5 years after the events and is a French car made in Paris,  which is a  cca 1924 Delage  D1  Coupe Chauffeur.

 1924 Delage D1 Coupe Chauffeur

Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this Corcorans bus please. -- Registration WW 2728 is West Riding of Yorkshire. John Stringer advises is a cca 1927 Albion PM28 new June 1927 to Corcoran Bros of Tadcaster. The company was taken over by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co 1933 and the Albion became their fleet number 677. It was eventually acquired for preservation & survives today as chassis only.

1927 Albion PM28 Coach

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1928 Leyland Lioness Front Entrance 
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this bus maked Yorkphotographed wit a couple of Morrises? -- Registration TN 8808 is Newcastle on Tyne CBC late 1928. The bus is a rather attractive Leyland Lioness which were built 1926 to 1934.  Development of the Lion, specifically designed for bus use with Pneumatic tyres, this is cca 1928 Leyland Lioness Front Entrance Single-decker, available in 24-36 seats.

1928 Leyland Lioness Front Entrance

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1928 Triumph Super Seven Saloon
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) was puzzled by this photo labeled Austin 7 at Opononi. Is the car a Triumph Super Seven?-- Grainy small photo checked with our Austin expert John Caddy who noted suicide door and that size of the rear side window looks larger than the almost square ones of the A7. Diligent searching determined that later Triumphs had normal doors and earlier cca 1928 Triumph Super Seven with fabric bodies had suicides and big windows.

c1928 Triumph Super Seven Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Poss c1927 Lagonda Weymann Saloon
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this car next to bus marked to Dunster?" -- Very difficult photo to identify as from the back and with a very unusual body which seems to be of the fabric type and pointed upturned mudguard. We circulated this photo amongst our experts without much success. However, our John Warburton suggested this could be a  cca 1930 Langonda 2 litre Weymann Saloon. 

Poss c1930 Lagonda Weymann Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Probably c 1927 Armstrong Siddeley
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this car in the wilds of Yorkshire?" -- Very blurry photo of a moving car without a registration visible so difficult to identify and date. However a couple of our experts feel this is a cca 1927 Armstrong Siddeley, possibly the 4'14 coachbuilt saloon. Front mudguard, headlights, no louvres and disc wheels match but radiator appears to lean bit backwards. Perhaps an optical illusion?

Probably c 1927 Armstrong Siddeley

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1929 Morris Cowley Saloon
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID these two cars photographed with York bus? -- Registration VB is Croydon, late 1929. The one behinds looks like YO London, cca 1926. Our Chas moody advises the front one is a cca 1929 Morris Cowley Saloon, lights on cross bar. The one behind is an early Flatnose Cowley  tourer two-piece mudguards, headlamps on stalks, two-piece windscreen & no bumpers.

1929 Morris Cowley Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1929 AEC Relainace 660 Bus
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this trio of busses?" -- Registration of the bus on the right seems EF which is West Hartlepool County Borough Council but numbers are not clear so not helpful in dating. John Stringer advises that the bus on the right is an AEC Reliance 660 with a registration dating also from around 1928-30, - operator not identified. These were made 1928-1931. Unsure location.

c1929 AEC Relainace 660 Bus

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1929 Leyland Tiger Buses
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " " Can you please help ID this trio of busses?" -- Registration of centre bus seems CK which is Preston CBC but numbers are not clear so not helpful in dating.  John Stringer advises that the bus in the centre and one on the left are a pair of Leyland Tiger TS1/TS2 or TS3 models, dating from around 1928 - 1930.  The busses belonged to a large fleet owned by Ribble Motor Services of Preston.

c1929 Leyland Tiger Buses

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1929 Tilling-Stevens B10A2 Bus
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this bus markd Beverley-Driffield? -- Registration KH 7975 is Kingston-o-H 1929. Bus is a cca 1929 Tilling-Stevens B10A2 with the Tilling 32-seat rear entrance body. John Stringer advises 142 in fleet of East Yorkshire Motor Services of Hull. It was sold in 1937, passing to a showman who used it until 1949. It is seen passing through the 'North Bar Gate' at Beverley.

1929 Tilling-Stevens B10A2 Bus

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1931 Guy Conquest Half-Cab Coach
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this bus marked to Dunster?" -- Registration of the bus seems YD 114 which would have been Somerset CC early 1931. Couple of our experts agree this is a cca 1931 Guy Half-Cab Coach. This one seems to be a Guy Conquest FC with 26 seater body by Hoyal, new 6/30 to Western National Omnibus Co, 3037, bought specially for steepest UK 1:4, 25% Porlock Hill, Somerset.

1931 Guy Conquest Half-Cab Coach

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1933 Jowett 7HP Kestrel Saloon
Another interesting period photo from a glass negative sent to us by Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you please help ID this saloon please.. Jowett??" -- Registration of the car is KY 5594 which is Bradford CBC late 1933. The car is indeed a Jowett. Jowetts were made in Bradford from 1906 to 1954, starting with bicycles; cars in 1906. This is a cca 1933 Jowett Long 7HP with a coachbuilt Kestrel Saloon body introduced in 1933. Fitted with 7hp horizontally opposed 2-cylinder 907cc engine.

1933 Jowett 7HP Kestrel Saloon

Cinema screen grab taken from a 2017 French film "Au revoir là-haut (See You Up There) being investigated by IMCDB. Film about two French disfigured soldiers due WW1 trying a con to make a fortune with war victims' corpses.  -- Events are supposed to be taking place end of WW1 so +/-1919. Not seen film but it has some strangely dated vehicles. This one was not made until at least 15 years after the events and is a French bus which became much used in Paris, a cca 1934 Renault TN4F.

1934 Renault TN4F Bus

Cinema screen grab taken from a 1964 French film "Un gosse de la butte" being investigated by IMCDB. Film about a young boy, an aging woman and her sporting  black lover, and jelous neighbour; and how racism and attitudes are overcome.  -- The bus is from the TN series of Renault busses made from 1931 to 1971 and which became the symbol of Paris busses. This one has no nose and has corrugated sides to the cab, so is a  cca 1936 Renault TN4 H.  Many requisitioned for use WW2. 

c1936 Renault TN4H Bus

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1948 Carter Electric Invalid Carriage
Fascinating photo received from Christine Jordan (UK) saying "I wonder if you could identify this car for me - the make/model and year? This is Ethel Hartland, Gloucester's first JP in the 1930s and may have been a Suffragette! -- Registration is Gloucester CBC. Luxe 1948 Carter Electric Invalid Carriage, made in Portland Pl, London. Customers included Lady Astor and King George V. 36-volt electric motor, 0.75HP, powered by two 18-volt lead acid batteries, 40 miles at 8 mph.  Cost at time £300.

 1948 Carter Electric Invalid Carriage

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1955 Fiat 1100'103 Berlina Tipo B
One of number of interesting photos sent to us by Andrew Kostin from Moscow (Russia) who is collector of old photos. 'Can you identify this car and country of the photo from the number plate? " --  Same country as the Mercedes photo, Austria. Mercedes W for Wien, Vienna, and N for Niederosterreich, Lower Austria, Neusiedler lake. Plates issues 1947 to 1989; 1-2 letters and 3.3 numbers. Three big horisontal radiator slats; the car in question is a cca 1955 Fiat 1100'103 Berlina Tipo B, de luxe.

1955 Fiat 1100'103 Berlina Tipo B

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1957 Mercedes-Benz W121 190 Saloon
One of number of interesting photos sent to us by Andrew Kostin from Moscow (Russia) who is collector of old photos. 'Can you identify this model of Mercedes taken in Vienna in May 1958. --  Development of the 180, and the W120 in 1953 and W121 in 1956, having a 'ponton' enveloping body, looking alike and difficult to differentiate. Has chrome under the window so earliest this could be is a cca 1957 Mercedes-Benz W121B 190 Saloon. These were made between 1956 and 1959, 1897cc.

1957 Mercedes-Benz W121B 190 Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan
Interesting (UK) Birthday Card showing just the headlamp and override of a car with a message of "A Genuine Classic". No mention on the card of what the car was, so request made to identify it.  --  Obviously American with 'Dagmar' 1950s bumper extensions initially mimicking WW2 artillery shells, and later got rubber tips. Name 'Dagmar 'came from the notable attributes of Virginia Ruth Egnor: 'Dagmar - the most photogenic show girl on TV.'   Car is a cca1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan.

 c1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam:

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 3,200

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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