(Click for
2002 meetings)::
Meetings held during 2001 ] ::
In view of the constantly increasing size of
the Website by end of 2001, which had by then reached many thousands of photos,
and the difficulties in the very early pioneering days of the internet of getting adequate hosting space at a
cost, we were forced to remove some of
the Events on the
2001 page to make space for new meeting reports and
also for the sudden rush of many hundreds of photos which started coming in to the Help Pages. Therefore, only those events
during year
2001 which have a
green heading remain
openable, with others having been deleted, regretfully permanently. Subsequently, memory storage has become much more
easily available and at a reasonable price that we have had no further restrictions.
We now host 90,000 + photos. If
you are wondering why the photos are so small. it should also be
remembered that the speed of loading of photos via telephone wire and
modem pre Broadband was extremely slow and therefore photographs had
to be relatively small and had to be introduced via even smaller
thumbnail. This pioneering SVVS website was initially constructed over
23 years
ago in the early development days of the ARPANET and subsequent Internet
when there were no practical mobile phones, nor social media such as
YouTube. Facebook or Twitter. This original SVVS website was one of the
very first British Car Club Websites, but was hosted in the 1990s by our
pal Tubby in Gladstone, in Australia!
2001 Events
2002 Events
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2025 Events
This is 2001
[ SVVS Evening Meeting - Skimmington Castle,
Reigate - May ] ::
Historically our visit to the Skimmington Castle just
off the A25 on the Heath west of Reigate is one of the two best attended
evening meetings of the year. Our jovial landlord forsook the bar
to act as car park attendant for the evening and he counted no
less than 57 vehicles into the reserved section. Several cars were
in pristine condition having been obviously subject to a great
deal of fettling during the winter. |
[ SVVS Charity Event - Clackets Services M25 Motorway
- May ] ::
Our esteemed Chairman had coerced us to do our bit for
charity by turning up at the most unlikely of all charitable
destinations, a motorway Service Station serving the M25 London
orbital motorway, the worlds largest car-park. There we were to
join the Oxted & Limpsfield Rotary Club in extracting loads of
cash from unsuspecting transiting burger eaters for
The Marie Curie Cancer Research
Fund. |
[ SVVS Evening Meeting -
The Star, Lingfield - June
The Star is for those who live in the
west of the region the furthest venue for an evening meeting. For the
likes of Messrs Bishop, Oakes, Mohacek and Erroll it is the nearest.
Lots of people had their bonnets up so the first batch of photos is
mainly of mechanics. No prizes for guessing but some you don't
often see. Yet again the weather was superb. Driving home at 10 p.m. the sky in the west was still
quite light. |
[ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - July] ::
I was was very pleased to bring along to this meeting my cousin
and his young son who
were visiting me from Croatia. Apart from having had a bit of a messy recent
war where a lot of things got damaged, Croatia is
not a country renowned for collecting vintage cars. It was therefore
their first experience of massed vintage machinery and the strange
English bods who
collect them, not to say the first taste of English beer. |
[ SVVS Evening Meeting - The
Plough, Bletchingley - July] ::
Once again The Plough on the A25 in the
village of Bletchingley turned out to be the most popular venue for an
SVVS evening meeting. Those counting made note of some 71
cars and motorcycles that fit our criteria, not all of which were listed in our membership records.
A walkabout of the field and car park indicated a total of no less than 91 eligible vehicles.
Were the visitors were outnumbering the home team ? |
:: [
Ardingly Vintage
Vehicle Show - Ardingly, Sussex -
July ] ::
The Ardingly Show is not one that is noted in the SVVS
calendar but is a Show that is attended by a quite number of our Members
including Tony Oakes who took along his trusty Box Brownie and provided
all the photos. Some very interesting Steam Engines were there, there was
a large Tractor Section and Sections for Commercials, Busses, Fire
Engines, Military Vehicles, Stationary Engines, and model cars &
[ SVVS Family Summer Picnic -
- August ] ::
The SVVS Summer Picnic is normally a
light-hearted affair which is great fun and generally held 'in the country'. The
event was somewhat dampened by the awful weather. In the morning the
rain was absolutely terrible and bucketed down to the
accompaniment of much thunder and lightning. Inevitably, this put many
Members off setting out and therefore the attendance was a lot
down on that of previous years.
[ The Lingfield Steam & Country Show -
- August ] ::
The Lingfield Steam & Country Show is one of the
larger local historic vehicle shows and takes place over a Saturday
and Sunday in early August. Although covering a vide band of historic vehicles including
cars, lorries, busses, fire engines, tractors, military vehicles, &
models, it has
always been Steam that was the star of the show. The big Russian military ballistic Rocket Transporter was also really quite impressive.
:: [ Edenbridge & Oxted Show -
Lingfield - August Bank Holiday
] ::
The E & O Show takes place at the Ardenrun Showground, Lingfield,
over two days during the August
Bank Holiday (Classic and Vintage). The Show is an Invitation Only event and many SVVS members
attend, making the Historic Vehicle Display a part of the SVVS calendar.
The Show is primarily a Country Show which visited by some 40,000 people
on the Sunday and
Monday and is a great day out for the whole family. |
:: [ S V V S
Evening Meeting - Three Horseshoes, Sidlow - August ] ::
The summer months have sped by all too fast as witnessed by
the rapid onset of darkness for our last evening meeting of the season. The
reporting is made more difficult when one needs a torch to read the
radiator badges. This is the second year that we have enjoyed the
hospitality of the Three Horseshoes. It is great to have a landlord who
is interested in our kind of vehicles and pleased to welcome us on his
pub. |
[SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Dog & Duck, Outwood -
September] ::
The Dog & Duck is located on Outwood Hill in Surrey not
far from the famous Outwood Windmill which is still in full
working condition and a local tourist attraction. The Dog &
Duck appears to be at the declining end of SVVS Members summer
keenness to take their cars out for a Sunday constitutional.
Today, bright sunshine and fluffy clouds and just cold enough not
to be sure whether or not to put on an 'anorak'. |
:: [ S V V S Charity Event - The
Reigate Festival
- September ] ::
Reigate Tunnel Event is one of a number of Charity
Events which the SVVS attends throughout the year to help raise funds
for worthy causes by showing our cars. The
SVVS Vehicle Display is held in the now closed Tunnel Road which
includes the famous Reigate Tunnel. The 'toll' Tunnel was opened in 1824 by
Lord Somers beneath whose private land the new road passed. This is one of the
very earliest British road tunnels. |
[ S V V S Lunchtime Meeting - Burford Bridge
Hotel - October ] ::
Normally the last outdoor meeting
of the year is held at The Watermill in Dorking. There was, however,
a last minute change of venue because an electrical fire at the
Watermill caused so much damage that the owners do not expect to be
able to reopen the pub until next spring. They were good enough to
us know which gave us enough time to arrange our gathering to take
place at the nearby Burford Bridge
[ S V V S Meeting at the - London to Brighton
Run - November ] ::
A number of SVVS Members entered cars in the 'London to
Brighton' and all got there. A number of other SVVS Members followed the
run in relatively ancient machinery, and yet others refused to clog up
the A23 and stayed put at suitable vantage points. One of these was Tony
Oakes who went to Redhill and snapped away with his Box
Brownie. Afterwards many of us met up as usual at the Black Horse
2001 Events
2002 Events
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