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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page158 below relates to enquiries received during 2020Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1895  Panhard Levassor 4HP Phaeton
Fabulous bunch of photographs received from Bruno Costers (Belgium) which come from a book he recently purchased called " l'Automobile"  by Henri Farman in 1904, which is in French and largely deals with the evolution and body styles of automobiles of the time. Some of the vehicles shown he did not recognise and requested our help in advising. -- Our veterans expert Ariejan Bos advises this is 1895 Panhard Levassor 4HP Phaeton. Initially used licensed Gottlieb Daimler engines.

1895  Panhard Levassor 4HP Phaeton

Fabulous bunch of photographs received from Bruno Costers (Belgium) which come from a book he recently purchased called " l'Automobile"  by Henri Farman in 1904, which is in French and largely deals with the evolution and body styles of automobiles of the time. Some of the vehicles shown he did not recognise. -- Our veterans expert Ariejan Bos advises that from characteristic curved tiller steering with two vertical handles this is 1898 Peugeot Phaeton, rear engined 6HP Two Cylinder. 

1898 Peugeot 6HP Phaeton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1901 Panhard Levassor 5HP Tonneau
Fabulous bunch of photographs received from Bruno Costers (Belgium) which come from a book he recently purchased called " l'Automobile"  by Henri Farman in 1904, which is in French and largely deals with the evolution and body styles of automobiles of the time. Some of the vehicles shown he did not recognise and requested our help in identification. -- Our veterans expert Ariejan Bos advises this is 1901 Panhard Levassor 5HP type M2E decuvert, Rear Entrance Tonneau.

1901 Panhard Levassor 5HP Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1903 Panhard Levassor 10HP Tonneau
Fabulous bunch of photographs received from Bruno Costers (Belgium) which come from a book he recently purchased called " l'Automobile"  by Henri Farman in 1904, which is in French and largely deals with the evolution and body styles of automobiles of the time. Some of the vehicles shown he did not recognise.-- Our veterans expert Ariejan Bos advises this is 1903 Panhard Levassor probably 10HP type M4F or O4, voiture decouverte, probably the Swing-Seat Tonneau. There was 12HP?

1903 Panhard Levassor 10HP Tonneau

Fabulous bunch of photographs received from Bruno Costers (Belgium) which come from a book he recently purchased called " l'Automobile"  by Henri Farman in 1904, which is in French and largely deals with the evolution and body styles of automobiles of the time. Some of the vehicles shown he did not recognise.-- Our veterans expert Ariejan Bos advises this is a 1903 Mors Voiture De Voyage, or Tonneau Fermee, which would now be called a  Brougham or a Limousine or Touring car.

1903 Mors Voiture De Voyage

Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on the internet and says he should know this one but can't think of it? -- Well known photo. 'The King of Little Cars' one of biggest forecars made, manufactured by Rex Motor Manufacturing Co Ltd, of Coventry and priced at 100 guineas. Registration is S 302 by Edinburgh CBC but no dating info left. This one has a single front seat so is probably a cca 1905 Rexette Forecar with own 900cc 5HP SV single.

cca 1905 Rexette Forecar

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1908 Panhard Levassor Phaeton
Another very puzzling photo found unidentified while researching on Internet and saved for future investigation. Lovely background and lovely subject. -- It seems the castle-type house in the background was built in 1901 and the car was built only a few years later. This is quite a big car and it has the tell-tale radiator filler cap with a point. From a 1890 pioneer French motor manufacturer, this is a cca 1908 Panhard Levassor Phaeton, probably 15HP  or 18HP. Cars manufactured to 1967.

1908 Panhard Levassor Phaeton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1909 Unic 16'20 Landaulette
Lovely photo sent to us by Leyland expert Mike Sutcliffe (UK) who has a wonderful collection of fully restored pre-1925 Leyland busses. Can we advise what the second car from right is ?  -- Vehicle made in Paris, France by company started by Georges Richard, ex Richard-Brasier. Made range of  2 and 4 cylinder smaller cars and popular taxis of the period, This one has a London County Council nuberplater issued in cApril 1909. This is quite big car so is cca 1909 Unic 16'20 Landaulette.

1909 Unic 16'20 Landau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1909-13 Belsize 14'16 Landaulettes
Lovely photo sent to us by Leyland expert Mike Sutcliffe (UK) who has a wonderful collection of fully restored pre-1925 Leyland busses. Can we advise what the other cars are ?  -- Vehicles left and alternating to right BO 516, B0 555 and B0 178 are all same make and registered with Cardiff CBC but dating records lost. Made in Manchester initially by Marshall & Co making cars in 1897. Changed name to Belsize Motors in 1906. Medium sized cars so likely 1909-13 Belsize 14'16 Landaulette. 

1909-13 Belsize 14'16 Landaulettes

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1910 Napier 15HP Landaulette
Lovely photo sent to us by Leyland expert Mike Sutcliffe (UK) who has a wonderful collection of fully restored pre-1925 Leyland busses. Can we advise what the second car from left is ?  -- British manufacturer better known for big luxury and competition cars made in Acton in London where they also made many hundreds of medium sized taxis for the London taxi fleet operated by W&G Du Cross. This looks to be a cca 1910 Napier 15HP Landaulette. Number plate was issued by Cardiff CBC.

1910 Napier 15HP Landaulette

We avised on HP118 this was Probably 1912 BSA 15'20 Tourer. --  Now advised by Bob Courtney, Veteran and Vintage Car Club Australia that photo is back to front and thant car still exists. It is 1910 BSA 15/20 with English body sold to Joseph Parsons of Wollongong by BSA Agent Motories Ltd, of Sydney. Sold by Parsons to saw mill owner William Watt of Nowr NSW  in 1912. Photo at dairy farm at Wandandian, NSW, driver son Sidney and William.  Sidney, a 'Motor Driver', was killed at Gallipoli.

1910 BSA 15'20 Tourer

Another interesting photo posted on Facebook by John Davies (UK) looking for identification and dating. -- This is a British three wheel car built in Malvern Worcestershire by the son of a local vicar who started in business running a bus servcice in his Wolseley. Built a prototype of own car in 1909 using a Peugeot motorcycle engine but built a three-wheeler wit tiller steering. No doors so is an early cca 1912 Morgan 8HP JAP Cyclecar. Earliest Morgan dealers was Harrods Store in London.

1912 Morgan 8HP JAP Cyclecar

Photo received from Peter Trow (UK) on behalf James Osbourn, great-nephew of Frank Osbourn whose Cranleigh garage is shown on the photo. In front of it are two cars unsuccessfully asked the Automobile for identification. -- The car on the left was made in Paris, France, by Georges Richard and is a cca 1913 Unic C7 12HP Landaulette. UK Agents Mann & Overtons of Westminster. Unic cars were very popular in London as primary Taxi of the day, and frequently operated by garages.

1913 Unic C7 12HP Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Possibly 1914 Unic 12CV Special
Couple of photos received from Ian Berg (Australia) researching cars connected to dealer Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the 1920s, coach-builder with largest garage in Melbourne prior to WW1,-- This is a very difficult one and suggested by Reg Winstone as possibly being a Unic. We have found no similar body but the spitzkuhler radiator is similar to 1914 Unic 12CV, but no scuttle tank. So, could well be one-off coach-built bodied car, built locally by Munro on a pre-WW1 chassis!

Possibly 1914 Unic 12CV Special

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1914 Ford Model T Special Tourer
Interesting scan received from Jonathan Hills (UK) from a glass plate negative taken by grandfather in Sudbury, Suffolk in the early 1920s. What it is?  -- This is a disguised car probably built in Britain from chassis/engine made in Detroit. Although with wrong radiator, bonnet, windscreen, body, mudguards, lights.., is a cca 1914 Ford Model T Tourer. No registration so could be either original UK coachbuilt vehicle or later 'facelift' conversion after intro of the rounded bonnet of 1916.

1914 Ford Model T Special Tourer

Photo received from Peter Trow (UK) on behalf James Osborn, great-nephew of Frank Osborn whose Cranleigh garage is shown on the photo. In front of it are two cars unsuccessfully asked  the Automobile for identification. -- Blurry photo without much detail but The car on the right was made in USA in Detroit, possibly assembled in Manchester, and is a cca 1915 Model T Touring. Definitely pre 1916 model. Osborn may have been a Ford Service Agent as Ford logos on the shop window.

c1915 Ford Model T Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1921 Morris Oxford Coupe Two Seater
Fascinating photo received from Clive Newell (UK) of father John Newell (1919-1998) and parents, at their home in Warrenpoint N. Ireland. -- Research by Chas Moody advises this is a very rare cca 1921 Morris Oxford Coupe Two Seater with bodywork by Hollick and Pratt, and having a four cylinder side-valve Hotchkiss engine of 1548cc capacity. This was the most expensive Morris produced at that time at £675.  Only two survive. Morris Bullnose production went from 1913 to 1926.

1921 Morris Oxford Coupe Two Seater

Lovely photo received from our Member Zack Stiling (UK) researching history of his  Hillman Super Minx. Daughter of original owner also sent photo of their first vehicle, a motorcycle, possibly Royal Enfield, but Zack thinks BSA from tank.  -- Registration issued by Somerset County Council provides accurate dating of late 1923. The motorcycle is indeed a cca 1923 BSA Model L 350cc Single sidevalve, hand-change 3 gear. Model was made in Birmingham 1923-1924; overhead engine available.

1923 BSA Model L 350cc Single

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1925 Opel Laubfrosch 4'14 Torpedo
Another interesting photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a Facebook page requesting identification.- Well known example of plagiarism in the automobile industry. Citroen came out with lovely 5CV and was copied by this one in Rüsselsheim Germany from 1924 to 1931 with around 120,000 copies. It has continuous small louvers in the bonnet suggesting this one is a cca 1925 Opel Laubfrosch (Tree Frog) 4'14 Two Seat Torpedo with the 14PS 1018 cc four engine.

1925 Opel Laubfrosch 4'14 Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1928 Reanault 10CV Landaulette
Cinema screen grab taken from a French film comedy "Voyage Surprise" (Mystery Tour,  also known as The Bride's Surprise) made in 1947 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Old tour proprietor trumps rival by offering a genuine mystery trip. -- Typical French car with coal scuttle bonnet and diamond logo, relatively difficult to determine exact model. It is cca 1928 Reanault  KZ2 10CV Landaulette, but is actually a 2120cc four 12CV kept in the lower 10 CV tax bracket.

1928 Reanault 10CV Landaulette

Another most puzzling photo received from Georges Truffaut (Belgium) of a vehicle he is trying to identify. "Do you have any idea of the brand of the car in the picture taken in front of a villa in the South of France (near Marseille) in 1931.  -- The car looks American in size but perhaps European appearance; perhaps Teutonic? Advice from our Mark Dawber that this is indeed an American car made in Connersville, Indiana, by Auburn, a c1930 Cord L29 Sedan , -America's first front wheel drive car.

1930 Cord L29 Sedan

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1931 Standard Big Nine Saloon
Another interesting photo sent to us by our Member Chris Cuss (UK) saying attached is a friend's father's car for us to ponder on. -- Fortunately not much pondering required. Two sets of horisontal louvres point to the Standard Motor Co of Coverntry. Registration KJ 646 is Kent County Council 1931. Car has a headlamp badge bar. All this adds up to it being a cca 1931 Standard Big Nine Saloon, the second batch of 1287cc cars under management of John Black, late of Hillman.

1931 Standard Big Nine Saloo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1933 Lanchester LC10 Mulliner
Difficult photo from Steve Manns (UK) asking for identification. Apparently it is dated 1939, and taken in the UK.  --  Chap looks a bit like like Rock Hudson? Not much to go on apart from the molding below the windscreen, wing close to the bonnet. This was relatively distinctive and familiar but needed a fair bit of research to nail down. Posh British car firm, owned by BSA. This seems to be a cca 1933 Lanchester LA 10 Saloon 6 light four door built by Mulliner, similar to their Sports Saloon.

1933 Lanchester LC10 Mulliner

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1949 Triumph Roadster 2000
Another lovely photo received from Clive Newell (UK)  this one of a car that belonged to his grandparents in Cheshire in, he thinks, the 1950s. -- Often called the 'Bergerac' from the BBC detective series 1981 to 1991 starring John Nettles and set in Jersey. The registration of this one is KNA 790 which is Manchester CBC March 1949. The car is British hand built by Triumph which had been bought by the Standard Motor Co in 1944. As this is a 1949 Triumph Roadster it has a Vanguard 2L engine. 

1949 Triumph Roadster 2000

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Pre-1980 Firestone Agricultural Tyre
Curious photo received from Simon Alexander on coronavirus lock-down in Oistins (Barbados) walking on the beach where he found a Firestone tyre and pondered its history.  -- Tyre was probably a bumper stop hanging on ship side (fender) and fell off. Contact with Firestone UK Technical Department, Thomas Molding, advised the tyre was of an agricultural  type and appears to be quite old. Their current DOT system was adopted around 1980, and the code on this tyre does predate that.

Pre-1980 Firestone Agricultural Tyre
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
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  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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