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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page138 below relates to enquiries received during 2019Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 3,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1902 Mors Rear Entrance Tonneau
Interesting lovely period photo found in my old archives post a previous computer crash so no background to the photo or where it came from, apart from mention of Monaco.  -- The first Grand Prix of Monaco was in 1929 so this is decades earlier. Our Ariejan Bos  suggests photo taken during the Semaine de Nice, March 1902, when a tour to Monte Carlo for the tourists may have been part of the programme. The first car is a Mors Tonneau, probably a 10 or 12hp (reg. 461-M is from early 1902). 

1902 Mors Rear Entrance Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1902 Daimler Phoenix Racer
Interesting lovely period photo found in my old archives post a previous computer crash so no background to the photo or where it came from, apart from mention of Monaco.  -- The first Grand Prix of Monaco was in 1929 so this is decades earlier. Our Ariejan Bos suggests photo taken during the Semaine de Nice, March 1902, The car in background with No. 45/29 is an 'old-fashioned' Daimler Phoenix (with the large square radiator), in racing substituted by  Mercedes, but still made until 1902.

1902 Daimler Phoenix Racer

Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle on a photo sent to him for identification which is a glass slide on eBay. A Welch but spokes wrong? -- Not a Welch but looked like a Continental or more likely Darracq. Ariejan Bos confirmed Continental has some vague resemblance, but differs in details. This is a cca 1903 Darracq 20hp. Sold and was advertised a lot in American magazines by American Darracq. Note foot bellows horn, accessory available at $3.

1903 Darracq Rear-Entrance Tonnea

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1906 Cupelle 10'12 Tourer
Somewhat sad photo, marked on the back as 'Bisley', received from Trevor Howard (UK) of an accident between a horse and a car. --  Horse came off considerably worse than the car, which I thought may be Chambers. However was advised with evidence by Ariejan Bos that this is a cca 1906 Cupelle 10'12 Tourer, a car with French origins, Lacoste & Battmann-based, sold by Cupelle UK. The FIAT Tourer behind it right, reg LD 2117, would be a London County Council registration  late 1909.

1906 Cupelle 10'12 Tourer

Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle on a photo posted on the AACA Forum asking for identification of a vehicle photographed in Australia c 1925.  -- Full height doors, rounded scuttle, domed wheelhubs, wire wheels, squarish front mudguards, rounded rear mudguards, - would be a British Coventry built cca 1911 Humber Tourer. Biggish car so probably a 12 or 16HP. Detachable and were of Humber’s own design, introduced 1909.

1911 Humber Tourer

Further interesting photo received from Mike Sanders (USA) of a car they  identified as a 1911 Maxwell Model EA. Taken in Lewistown, Montana. Car looks new, so maybe in 1911?  --  Lovely clear photo showing a lovely car built by Maxwell-Briscoe Company in Terrytown, New York. We can confirm that this seems to be a cca 1911 Maxwell Model EA Touring which had a four cylinder 30 HP engine with the flywheel mounted at front of the engine, and three speed transmission.

1911 Maxwell Model EA Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1912 Wolseley 24'30 Tourer
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle on a photo from West Coast of the South Island of the fleet of Kennedy Brothers who ran service cars, taxis and buses there. The Wolseley (?) might have been their first car. -- Indeed a  British Wolseley and from scuttle a cca 1912 Wolseley. From size of chauffeur it seems to be a largish car, so probably not the 12'16 , possibly the 15'20 and 24'30, and unlikely the bigger ones.  Post Wolseley-Siddeley.

Interesting photo received from Mike Sanders (USA)  which they have identified as a 1916 Ford Model T - outside of Lewistown, Montana.   --  Not a very helpful angle to be trying to identify the year but from the features such as wheels, mudguards, roof etc we would agree with the dating. It would have been a clincher if we could have seen the bonnet because in 1916 Ford Model T changed from having a very angular bonnet to having a very smooth rounded one to the end of the model.

1916 Ford Model T Touring

Subsequently received side-on version of photo from Mike Sanders (USA)  which they had identified as a 1916 Ford Model T.   --  Again not a very helpfu photo in trying to identify the year because the bonnet seems to be partially up, obliterating the view of the hinge and radiator area. In 1916 Ford changed from having a very angular bonnet to having a very smooth rounded one, neither discernable on photo. Additionally, bonnet side seems to have no louvres; it should have six?

1916 Ford Model T Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1915 Dodge Brothers Model 30 Touring
Further interesting photo received from Mike Sanders (USA) of 'another' car but photographed in Long Beach, California.   --  Much more helpful photo as it shows the radiator and the badge full on. This is a cca 1915 Dodge Brothers Model 30'35 Touring. Dodge Brothers started in Detroit Michigan in 1900 making engines etc for Ols and Ford. Started own cars in 1914 and the Model 30 was made until 1921. Height of the lamps tops above radiator cap suggests one of the earlier ones. 

1915 Dodge Brothers Model 30 Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1916 Haynes Model 34 Roadster
Interesting photo received from Mike Sanders (USA)  which they believed was taken  outside of Lewistown, Montana.   --   The badge on the radiator looks familiar of the Haynes type. Rear leaning louvres and a hole in the skirt by the rear wheel.  No back door on driver's side but small rear seat just visible behind driver's seat. Confirmed by Kaiser on AACA that this looks like a cca 1916 Haynes Model 34 Roadster, Three Places.  I love the  hen  and the  baby chicks  under the running board !

1916 Haynes Model 34 Roadst

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1921 Daimler 20 Two-Seater
Another puzzling photo received from James Baxendale (UK) of cars belonging to his family. Photo taken cca 1917-20. --  This one was a great puzzle because it looked Daimlerish but had a sloping radiator and strange front wheel. Distorted photo? Much correction of perspective sorts the wheel out and results in flat fronted Daimlerish rad. Tony Oakes and John Warburton think a cca 1921 Daimler 20 Two-seater made 1921-24 in various engine sizes, on BSA detachable wire wheels.

1921 Daimler 20 Two-seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1921 Overland Model 4 Touring
Possibly a hand coloured  photo received from Brian Taylor of Hervey Bay Historical Village & Museum, Scarness (Australia) asking if we can help to identify the car in the attached photo. It was taken in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia. --  Immediate thought cca 1921 Overland Model 4 Touring, but it seems to have few big slanting louvers instead of lots of fine vertical ones. Our Mark Dawber thinks optical illusion as undoubtedly Overand 4, who never used slanting louvres on this model.

1921 Overland Model 4 Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1923 Bean 11.9 Four Seater Tourer
Period photo from a family album marked UK 1923/24, received from David Graham (Australia). Photo is marked "Our Bean" which David has now realised was actually  a make of car!!  He could not find anywhere how to distinguish between the models. --  Another Bean on previous page 137. Bean of Dudley is a successor to the Perry. Dating from car registration suggests Middlesex CC so from height of headlamps this is a late cca 1923 Bean 11.9 Four Seater Touring Car, then costing UK£345.

1923 Bean 11.9 Four Seater Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1923 Vauxhall 23'60 Tourer
Period photo from a family album marked UK 1923/24, received from David Graham (Australia). There is no information on this photo. --  British car made in Luton with registration XO 6894 which was issued by London County Council in mid 1923. Company was founded in 1897 in London, Vauxhall. First car was made in 1903. Became General Motors in 1925. This one has big low headlights and smaller side lamps, so probably cca 1923 Vauxhall 23'60 Tourer. Now part Peugeot/Citroen.

1923 Vauxhall 23'60 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1923 Talbot 8'18 Two-Seater
Period photo from a family album marked UK 1923/24, received from David Graham (Australia). There is no information on this photo but shows an interesting batch of period cars. -- Car on the far left is the 1923 Vauxhall 14'40 mentioned below.  To the right of the Vauxhall is a car with registration XP 592  which was issued by London C C. This is a cca 1923 Talbot 8'18 Two-seater, made in London, North Kensington, by Clement-Talbot who became Darracq 1919, and then STD Motors 1920.

1923 Talbot 8'18 Two-Seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1924 Buick Model 35 Touring
Period photo from a family album marked UK 1923/24, received from David Graham (Australia). There is no information on this photo but shows an interesting batch of period cars. -- Centre car has registration XR 5473 which was issued by London C C in early 1924.  The car is not British but is American made in Detroit and marketed in UK by General Motors Europe, London. This seems a four seater with British wing mounted sidelights, so probably a cca 1924 Buick Model 35 Touring.

1924 Buick Model 35 Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1924 Armstrong Siddeley 4'14 Tourer
Period photo from a family album marked UK 1923/24, received from David Graham (Australia). There is no information on this photo but shows an interesting batch of period cars. -- The second car from the right is another British car with an interesting registration DL 3448 which was issued by Isle of Wight. The car was made by a company started in 1919 by Armstrong Whitworth purchase of Siddeley-Deasy, This is a smallish car, cca 1924 Armstrong Siddeley 4'14 Tourer, 1852cc.

1924 Armstrong Siddeley 4'14 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1924 Austin 12'4  Tourer
Period photo from a family album marked UK 1923/24, received from David Graham (Australia). There is no information on this photo but shows an interesting batch of period cars. -- The car on the far right is another British car with an interesting registration DL 1708 which was issued by Isle of Wight. The car was made by a company started in 1905 by Herbert Austin, lately of Wolseley he had made then largest UK car maker. This is a cca 1924 Austin 12'4  Tourer, either two or four seater. 

1924 Austin 12'4 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1936 Austin 10 Lichfield Saloon
Another grainy and puzzling photo received from James Baxendale (UK) of cars belonging to his family. Photo comes with no information. -- Another grainy photo which we have tried to enhance. No registration is visible to help with dating but this is a cca 1936 Austin 10 Lichfield Saloon. The Austin 10 was made 1932 to 1947 and was a bigger version of the well known Seven. This one has a boot which would make it post the facelift in 1935  when also the rad surround got painted and sloped.

1936 Austin 10 Lichfield Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1937 Standard Flying Nine Saloon
Interesting period photo sent in to Rootschat by Gingerbit (UK) asking for repair and tidy-up of the photo-- We have had had a go at repairing the photo which shows a builders yard in Glasgow and her Grandfather's probable first car. The car in the photo is a cca 1937 Standard Flying Nine Saloon registered with the Burgh Council of Glasgow March 1937. The wheel cover on the boot over the spare tyre is missing. The Flying Nine, 1131cc 9HP four, was produced 1937 to 1940.

1937 Standard Flying Nine Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1937 Austin Seven Ruby Saloon
Another photo received from James Baxendale (UK) of cars belonging to his family. Photo taken cca 1945. Could this be the back of a Vauxhall?  --  Regretfully no. Always a bit difficult to identify car from the back. However, Our Tony Oakes and John Warburton agree "Surely an Austin 7 'Ruby', a common sight in my now-distant youth! Current 1934-38." Austin Seven was made in various forms 1922-39 and basis for American Austin, BMW Dixi, Rosengart in France and Nissan Japan.

1937 Austin Seven Ruby Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1938 Ford Prefect E93A Saloon
Another puzzling photo received from James Baxendale (UK) of cars belonging to his family. Photo taken in Spain in 1951. --  Another grainy photo which we have tried to enhance. No registration is visible to help with dating but we feel this is the same car as shown on the previous page 137. This was a Ford Prefect and so is this one, a cca 1938/9 Ford Prefect E93A Saloon. This triple type of louvre was on cars made between 1938 to 1948, and subsequent Prefect models had no louvres.

1938 Ford Prefect E93A Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1962 Moskvich 407 Saloon
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle on a photo from Transpress NZ asking for identification of a vehicle photographed in Kaunisppaa, Finland in 1963.  -- This is a Russian car made by AZLK in Moscow who had been making the Russian version of the Ford A/AA. Became part of GAZ (known for the Volga) making the GAZ AA. From grille this is a cca 1962 Moskvich 407 Saloon, introduced as 402 in 1956, improved to 407 in 1958, and ended in 2001.

1962 Moskvich 407 Saloon

Lovely period photo received from Jørgen Rønning (Norway) of a vehicle taken in Norway, Oslo in the late ten`s, could we please help him to identificate the car?  -- Regretfully not. This photo has done the rounds of all our experts but none have been able to provide specific answer. Suggestions of American features but rad hood being Teutonic. Makes such as early Benz, Mercedes, FAB, Martini. Alternatively that is probably European and poss like NAG or Austro Daimler. HELP PLEASE?

UNKNOWN cca WW1 Open Tourer
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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