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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

(Click for Archives Click for 2013 Meetings  ::   [  SVVS in 2014;  Meetings held this year.  ]   ::

Please  click on the  picture  or on  the section heading  to be taken to the fully detailed  Event Page. Normal formal internal evening meetings would NOT be described here. These are outside meetings.

SVVS Christmas Social at the Jolly Farmer, Horne

   :: [ SVVS Christmas Social - Jolly Farmer, Horne - December 2014 ] ::
The event that brings the year to a close continues to be a great success. The Christmas Social is get-together to which ladies can come along with their husbands without having either to listen to boring talks on old cars or having to stand in drafty car parks watching husbands kicking tyres. Superb buffet was laid on by the pub with good choice of food. Quantity was adequate with not much left over!!  Good turnout of about 50,  lots of chats  and  merriment, and  great fun  was had  by all.

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting at the Red Barn, Blindley Heath

   :: [SVVS Lunchtime Meet - Red Barn, Blindley Heath - October, 2014] ::
This was our last outside mid-month meeting of the year and the weather was relatively kind to us. This meant that the turnout was actually quite good at 25 vehicles. We had the maiden voyage of Chas Moody's rebuilt 1914 Triumph Motorcycle and Tony Tester's potential new Chrysler, if Mrs. Tester does not find out! Another with a maidenish voyage was Michel Gosset in his French-museum Citroen 5HP, and therefore  insisted  that  Mr. Chairman  bring his.  Only two breakdowns!

SVVS Lunctime Meeting at The Star, Lingfield

  :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Star, Lingfield - September 2014] ::
Last year the attendance at The Star after was abysmal with only five cars turning out because of promised dismal weather, - which did not materialise. This year the weather was brilliant, a lovely autumn day. The sky was blue, the sun shone and it was warm. Net result was a quite good showing for this time of year, of 17 proper vehicles and a couple of moderns. The Star is under new management, restaurant busy, and by all accounts  there were no significant grumbles  about service or food.

SVVS in Tunnel Road. Reigate

    ::[ SVVS at Reigate Tunnel Historic Car Display - September 2014 ]::
The SVVS again displayed our vintage and classic vehicles in the old Tunnel above the Reigate Caves in the support of the National Heritage Open Day Scheme. This is no longer under the auspices of the Reigate Business Guild as they advised that they are no longer able to support this event. The venue was shared with the Wealden Cave Society, who were conducting tours of the caves. Our cars created a lot of interest in Tunnel Road,  so many thanks  to all the  SVVS Members  who attended.

SVVS Visit Polesden Lacey

:: [ SVVS  Visit Polesden Lacey, Great Bookham  -  September 2014] ::
The SVVS was asked by the Leatherhead Lions, and the National Trust, to provide cars on to attend the Polesden Lacey Great Donkey Darby Day. The Committee, via our National Trustee Tony Russell, has agreed we would support this event. We were asked to be parked in the courtyard in front of the house by 11 am and are asked to remain there until late afternoon. Day started cloudy, hence some photos are bit washed out, but the sun got very hot and the place bacame packed out.

SVVS Visit the Outwood Carnival, Outwood

:: [ SVVS  Visit the  Outwood Carnival, Outwood  -  August  2014] ::
Outwood is a lovely village in Surrey near Gatwick which has the oldest working windmill in Britain in the middle of the common. Once a year the village holds a Carnival which starts with a procession of Vintage Cars from the Windmill to the Carnival site adjacent to Lloyd Hall. The Carnival is frequently opened by Dame Judy Dench, as this year, who is an Outwood resident. Bits of the showground were boggy which resulted in  Bozi Mohaceks's  Rolls Royce  Shooting Brake  getting stuck.

SVVS at the Three Horseshoes, Siddlow

:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Three Horseshoes, Sidlow  - August 2014 ] ::
Rapid onset of rain and darkness heralded our last evening meeting of the season. We have been returning to the Three Horseshoes after a number of years of absence and found most of our gripes resolved. There is now a brand new fully tarmaced carpark, - no more darkness to hide invisible deep puddles to soak our socks, - plus a dry overflow car park, and relatively good new lighting which is needed for an evening meeting.  We  were rewarded  with a  very good  "end of term turnout".

Great SVVS Summer Picnic in a Tythe Barn

:: [ SVVS Summer Picnic - Church Farm, Horne - August 2014] ::
The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held again  this year at  Church Farm,  Horne, at the invitation of Julie and Bozi Mohacek. Although there had been a heatwave for a few weeks, this day it threatened thunder and cats and elephants. Fortunately the Mohaceks have a Tithe Barn which can seat multitudes at civilised tables, so the multitudes sat in it. All were welcomed as usual with a free glass of wine and a hot dog. After the picnic, Julie Mohacek with the help of Tony Oakes, ran a  Quiz.

SVVS Meeting at the Plough, Bletchingley

    :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Plough, Bletchingley - July 2014] ::
The Plough has been re-branded and is now Chef & Brewer. The pub is on the A25 with lots of passing traffic and when the weather is fine the Plough draws our best, or second best, attendance of the year. They normally remember, when remained, to cut the meadow of the grassy knoll beside the pub to accommodate our cars which then fill it and overflow into the car park. The hotrod brigade, which are actually nothing to do with  us, also join us regularly  which  swells  the  numbers.

SVVS attend the Leigh Summer Fayre

:: [ SVVS  Visit the  Leigh Summer Fayre,  Leigh  -  July 2014] ::
Drivers in their classic and vintage cars assembled at the Plough in Leigh where the hostelry kindly provided Pimms and Sandwiches for the participants. Although not a formal SVVS event, a large number of SVVS Members attended. Once fed and watered, the participants drove in a parade to the Leigh Cricket Club ground a couple of miles away where there was a formal car display. The sky was a clear blue and the sun was burning hot. Ice-creams and sunshades, a lovely day was had by all.

SVVS visit the Brooklands Museum

     :: [ SVVS Visit to Brooklands at the invitation of JEC - July 2014] ::
Our Membership Secretary Peter Clark is past Chairman of the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, Surrey Region, who meet at the Brooklands Motor Museum. Just like last year the JEC Regional Committee invited the SVVS to join them at their Thursday July meeting to display their cars along with JEC Jaguars. JEC arranged for both sets of club members to have a wander in the aircraft, motorcycle and bicycle museums,  and afterwards to  retire to the  splendid  old  Brooklands " Members Bar ".

SVVS Summer Saunter to the Bluebell Railway

:: [ SVVS Summer Saunter to The Bluebell Railway  - July 2014] ::
The meeting point for the Saunter was Reigate and then a slow meander through the lanes of Surrey and Sussex to the Bluebell Railway. The re-grouping point was the field next to the car park of Horsted Keynes station where the Sussex Food Festival was taking place. Trains go in both directions: to East Grinstead and to Sheffield Park. Our group chose to go to Sheffield Park to see the steam engine workshops. We then returned to Horsted Keynes for the 'Food Fest' and our own picnic. 

SVVS Evening Meeting at the Six Bells, Horley

     :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley - June 2014 ] ::
An old world pub situated at the end of a narrow lane, adjacent to a church yet within sight of Gatwick Airport and Gatwick hotels. There were tables behind the pub on a lawn that ran down to the River Mole. Another bonus for us was that the car park had space for about 150 cars so for once we did not cause parking chaos. The inside of this establishment is very 'themed' with pine furniture and the height of bar ceiling  caused  discomfort  for our less  vertically challenged  members.

SVVS at the Surrey Oaks, Newdigate

    :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - June 2014] ::
If one were looking nominate a timeless English country pub then the Surrey Oaks in Newdigate would be high on the list. Very recently the pub has had a change of Landlord, the kitchen was in the process of refurbishment, so new landlord provided external barbecue. Weather was absolutely great and Tony Russell was in full organizational mode resulting in a fabulous turnout of over 40 cars including,  many local vehicles, Hot Rods,  and numerous Allards from the Allard Owners Club.

SVVS at the Skimmington Catle, Reigate Heath

 :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Skimmington Castle, Reigate - May 2014] ::
Skimmington Castle is just off Reigate Heath  with  good beer  and food. Normally The Skim is one of our best outside meetings of the year and parking can be at a premium. This time unfortunately the the weather in the afternoon was threatening to be a bit damp and cold so the turnout was much much lower than expected. Actually the weather turned out OK. We again tried to ensure that no moderns crept into our half of the car park, but gave up
when it became evident we could not fill our half!

SVVS at the Plough & Furrow, Smallfield

 ::[SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Plough & Furrow, Smallfield - May 2014]::
We always seem to get good weather at the Plough & Furrow in Smallfield despite it being early on in the outdoor season. The SVVS turnout was not too bad with a reasonably fair selection of 20 vehicles. The attendances however, seem to always fluctuate and many of the local regulars and Committee were not present. The Chairman made the arduous journey of just over one mile in his Citroen 5CV,  and true to 5CV form,  Mrs Chairman had to walk  the last few hundred yards home. 

SVVS Treasure Hunt

      :: [ SVVS Treasure Hunt &  Black Horse, Hookwood - April 2014 ] ::
The 2014 Treasure Hunt was moved to April and combined with the regular April pub meet at the Black Horse in Hookwood, and with the FHBC's Drive-it-Day. We met at the Knights Garden Centre car park in Godstone where some of us had tea. This was combined with the first set of clues which were all within the Garden Centre. Then off to Bletchingley and then to Outwood. We re-assembled at the Black Horse in Hookwood where we met other  SVVS  cars out for the  Sunday meet. 

SVVS at the Cock Inn, Headley

   :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Cock Inn, Headley - March 2014 ] ::
What a difference a year makes. On the same Sunday last year it was raining 'Datsun Cogs' and only five damp members turned up in moderns. This year was wall to wall sunshine with the temperature around 20C, as warm as in Spain. We noted some 25 known cars parked outside of the 'Cock' and could well have missed others as there were a number of near classics sporties also there which could have belonged to our members.  There were even a couple of bicycles which were ours! 

SVVS Dinner at the Reigate Manor Hotel

     :: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - February 2014 ] ::
Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2014 Annual SVVS Dinner and was attended by a smashing turnout of 90 people. Not much could be faulted with the quality of the meal and the efficiency of the service, or the value to the Members! We were lucky enough to obtain services of  Reverend John Scott who is the retiring Vicar of St Philip's Reigate, Sub Lieutenant in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve and 22 years Territorial Chaplain to Armed forces in the Chaplains Department.

SVVS Meeting at the Beehive, Woodhatch

 :: [ New Year's Day Lunchtime - Beehive, Woodhatch - January 2014 ] ::
New Years Day 2014 was the continuation of the pretty dire Christmas 2013 storms which flooded a large part of South East England and left many people without electricity for nearly a week. Not surprising therefore that only two proper cars and the Chairman's Land Rover attended the now traditional New Year's Day meet at the Beehive in Reigate where one of the annexes was again packed with SVVS Members consuming lunches, in what was surprisingly quite a busy pub. 

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