Classic, Vintage and Veteran Cars - The Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society

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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

General Enquiries

London - Brighton Commercials:
Date of 2007 London-Brighton Commercial Run ?:  On May 4th.

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Date of 2007
London - Brighton Veteran Car Run?: Novemb. 2nd

Monaco Motor Museum:
Click here for more info on the Prince Rainier Car Collection.
Edenbridge & Oxted Show :
Historic Vehicle Display; Jackie Shearman;  Tel: 01737 645843
Ardingly Vintage Vehicle Show:
Maurice Drew, 12 Springfield Rd, Larkfield, Kent ME20 6JE
Lingfield Steam Show:
Enquiries to Joan/Brian Donkin
Tel: 0208 295 1510 
Redhill Steam Fair : 13/14 Aug
Ken Robinson, Tel 01293 771980



The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided :

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 16 below relates to enquiries received during 2008.Click on picture to enlarge

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1900 Daimler' Kimberly' Tonneau
Photo received from Alun Pugh in Leeds (UK) who obtained two intersting photos in a house clearance in Leeds. This one took some identifying. I could find nothing like it. Our Tony Oakes guessed Daimler from the scuttle. Our veteran expert Tim Harding did not know, but when Daimler was mentioned went off furkling through his books. Turns out it is indeed a cca 1900 Daimler 'Kimberly' Tonneau with a 4.5 HP two cylinder engine. These were made for only one year.  So, quite unusual.

1900 Daimler 'Kimberly' Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1904 Darracq Tonneau
Photo received from Averil Thornton (UK) who is the Editor of Yorkshire magazine "Down Your Way" for whom we have identified cars before. We do not have the story on this one. Our Tim Harding is quite sure this is a cca 1904 Darracq Tonneau. My researches seem to indicate the same. The radiator shape was only produced during a short period 1903-4. Very similar to the "Genevieve", of the film. There seems no numberplate visible,  which suggest photo  was taken  before Jan. 1904.

1904 Darracq Tonneau

Fabulous set of very period photos showing a very unusual car received from John Church (UK). Registration P 3220 was issued by Surrey CC but no records to help in dating. John's best guess from the wings on the AA badge, post 1911, and either a Riley Tricar or Phoenix. Not Riley because of the radiator but similar tower rads to Phoenix. Our Tim Harding however identified it as a cca 1907 Singer Tricar which also had two  tower rads,  one each side.  Photo  and  AA badge  therefore  later.

1907 Singer Tricar

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1907 Rex 3.5 HP Motorcycle
Interesting photo received from Steven Roehead (UK) of his Gt Gt Grandfather Sid Dyke (left) and Gt Grandfather Joe Dyke (right). He would like to try to build a replica of the bike on the right. The forks are relatively unique and our Geoff Morris with John Waghorn both agree that the bike on the right is a cca 1906 Rex 3HP or 3.5. Doubt about the bike on the left. The frame is Charter Lea of cca 1906 with different engine and made by one of many individual small makers. Newer forks.

1906 Rex Motorcycle

Smashing Photo received from Alan Stroud (UK) who is the author of "Yesterday's Papers" relating to Victorian life on the Isle of Wight. This is one of a number of glass plates depicting the Cheverton family who owned Afton Manor at Freshwater. We can advise that the Registration DL 488 was issued by the Isle of Wight County Council in about 1909. The car is newer so plate was transferred. It is a rather nice cca 1911 Humber Tourer,  probably the bigger 16/24, which cost £425 when new. 

1911 Humber Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1911 Darracq Tourer
Lovely Photo received from Opal Taylor (France). The man in the bowler hat was her grandfather and he died in 1936. Many years ago her mother told her that  her father had been involved with Ford in inventing a car battery. The photograph was probably taken around Manchester UK where he spent the latter years of his life. Originally he was from London and also lived in the USA and Australia.  We can advise that the car is a big cca 1911 Darracq Tourer, possibly the 16HP.

1911 Darracq Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1912 Panhard Levassor
Photo received from Alun Pugh in Leeds (UK) who obtained two intersting photos in a house clearance in Leeds. "I have a postcard of super quality but cannot identify the car [because I know nothing about them!!!]. I hope you can help". Our Tim Harding, like me, feels this is a picture of a cca 1913 Panhard & Levassor Coupe Chauffeur. The numberplate has the identification letters hidden by the front wheel so not  much help there.  Smashing  period  photo,  shame no  further  info.

1913 Panhard Levassor Coupe Chauffeur

Photo received from John McLean, Curator, Motor Museum of Western Australia. The photo was supplied through the Western Australian Motoring Historians who number some fairly knowledgeable members amongst their ranks but they could not agree on the make, model or year. Regretfully the quality of the scan is pretty poor with no detail showing. While this is not a positive ident, we think it is German, just pre WW1,  and  pretty sure  it is  a  cca 1913-1914 Adler,  possibly 7/17.

1913 Adler

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1914 Crossley 20/25
Another of the auto-political photos from Ian Robertson (Vietnam), interested in Crossleys and the Irish Civil War. This one shows Free State General Sean Mc Eoin, his wife and a Crossley. Malcolm Asquith of the Crossley Register advised the car is indeed a Crossley and either a late 20/25 or a 25/30. The 25/30 had a higher bonnet line and the car in the photo seems to have this. However, the twin tyred rear wheels are more typical of  20/25. Crossley supplied much of the UK WW1 military.

Crossley and General Sean McEoin

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1915 Isotta Fraschini
Enquiry received from Marten Rogers (UK) saying "The attached is a photograph taken in 1915 and is said to have been the Colonel's Car from a cavalry regiment in Canterbury. I have been unable to identify it. Can you help at all? Thanks". The photo has done the rounds of all our specialists and the only person who is positive is Bryan Goodman who says it is an Isotta a Fraschini. He is normally right, but I have not been able  to find  a photo  to confirm.  Most records seem  to be  post  WW1. 

Isotta Fraschini perhaps

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1916 Ford Model T Special
Tiny blurry photo received from Peter Lawford (Canada) "which could have been taken in 1907 in Dorset. The Lagonda club have ruled it out as a Lagonda and Bieulieu Motor Museum have so far failed."  We asked for better scan but got none. "Apparently FX 3695 can be read on the original". Registration is Dorset CC and car has WW1 headlamp masks. Tim Harding is sure this is a cca 1916 Model T Ford Special with a coach built body and a proprietary radiator.  Transverse spring  is an indicator.

1916 Ford Model T Special.

Enquiry received from  Edgeley Thomas (UK) who is writing a book on his village and has photo of a veteran truck, possibly 1920's. He wants to find out when & to whom it was first registered, - and DVLA were no help. This would be because BO 2143 was registered with Cardiff CBC, who did not keep their records, so could not pass any records to DVLA. Our Tim Harding, however, has a record of an Albion BO 2481 which was registered Jan. 21, so this one would be a cca 1919/20 Albion, in period.

1920 Albion Lorry

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1921 Daimler Charabanc
Photo received from  Brett Payne, Tauranga, (New Zealand) showing grandparents on a charabanc outing. They lived in Amsterdam, Holland, but his would have been taken in England. DL 2362 is an Isle of Wight registration, but dating information seem no longer available. Our Tim Harding from own records suggests the reg is about 1921. The vehicle shown would be a 1921 Daimler Charabanc, very much of the WW1 period, solid tyres.  Dating  the vehicle, however,  does not  date photo.

1921 Daimler Carabanc

Photo received from Pauline Adams  (UK) hoping we can identify the car make model and year. She inherited the photograph, a postcard with four notches as though from a machine, from her mother and became the custodian of the family history. Interestingly, we already have a picture of this very vehicle with a Mr. Wheetman in it. As there is no apparent connection, we assume this was a photographer's prop in Blackpool.  The vehicle is a cca 1921 Seal,  a sort of  motorcycle  combo.

1921 SEAL

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1922 Bean 11.9 Tourer
Photo received from Brian Owen (UK) which was originally "subjected to a double exposure on an old "Box Brownie" ! I have cleaned it up a little and wondered if it could be identified? Photographed in Bristol circa 1936. Interesting website, just discovered." Car is a 1922 Bean 11.9 Tourer registered at Somerset County Council. Bean took over Perry and had the first moving assembly line in the UK. 14 HP model in 1923.  Peak production 505 vehicles in 1920,  but stopped cars in  1929.

1922 Bean 11.9 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Lenin's 1922 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost
Interesting photo received from Stanislav Kiriletz (Germany) trying to firm up the history of "Lenin's Rolls Royce" currently in Gorki Leninskie Museum. Chassis plate 79 YG. Two existing scenarios: 1/. Built 1916 for Tzar Nicolaus II, rebuild in Petrograd 1919 by Poutiloff works as half-track "Kegresse"; 2/. Car came to Russia in 1920 and had half-tracks added.  We can advise that RREC have the build date as 1922, client "All Russian Co-Operative Society".  Lenin died 1924, so did not have it long.

Lenin's 1922 Rolls-Royce Siver Ghost Kegresse

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1923 Enfield-Alldays
Photo received from friend and Austin Seven specialist John Caddy (UK) who wandered if we knew the make and the drivers. Yes! The cars were the only ones known to have manufactured in Lingfield, and were built by AC 'Bert' Bertelli for Wolf Barnato. These were cca 1923 Enfield-Alldays. Bertelli went on to design Aston Martins and Wolf Barnato to win three consecutive Le Mans in Bentleys. 'Old Number 1' Bentley was present at Woolf daughter Diana's  90  recent local funeral.

1923_Enfield-Alldays with Wolf Barnato and AC Bertelli

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1928 Stutz Convertible Coupe
A rather grainy and damaged photo received from Lyle Brand, Forest Lake, Michigan (USA) saying it shows his grandmother and great grandmother photographed in 1935 in front of the state capital building. Father has never seen photo, so Lyle is having it restored for Father's Day. The photo is very pixly but we have had a quick repair ourselves and think the car is a well used cca 1928 Stutz Convertible Coupe,  possibly  a  BB.  It  seems  to have a  Lincoln  radiator  mascot ?

1928 Stutz Convertible Coupe

Photo received from Roel Otten (Holland) of his grandfather driving what was said by the family to be a 1914 Maxwell car. This car was in use by a rich baron (van Heeckeren van Kell ) in Holland, where his grandfather was driver etc.  His father also mentioned a Panhard (or Packard) but it is not one of these brands. We have had some difficulty in positively identifying this car, but a 1914 Maxwell is most certainly is not.  General feeling is that it is  most probably  a cca 1929 Studebaker

Perhaps 1929 Studebaker

Photo received from Rosemary Groves (UK) which was a scan of a relatively bad home printer dotted original. We emailed requesting a better copy and more info but did not get the courtesy of a reply. The registration CB appears to have 891 with the last digit hidden. Registrations 85xx to 96xx were issued by County Borough Council of Blackburn during 1929. Despite the grainy photo, our Tim Harding is relatively sure this is a cca 1929 Ford Model A van.  We improved photo.

1929 Ford Model A Van

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1935 Willys 77 Sedan
Photo received from Mara Du Toit (South Africa) who writes family histories. She is working on one involving Andrew Coats, from the "Coats Cotton" family who made their money in cotton mills outside Paisley, Scotland. See photo of him in his wheelchair.  His wife was the granddaughter of George Rex, an extremely colourful character in South African history. The car could have belonged to son-in-law or grandson. The car, in SA, is American, being a cca 1935 Willys 77 Sedan.

1935 Willys 77 Sedan

Photo received from Margaret Welch from (New Zealand) showing her Great Uncle having just been fishing in Lake Taupo, New Zealand. Great Uncle had a farm at Waipukarau also on the North Island. The car is relatively easy to identify being a Humber Snipe but is difficult to date. We have consulted the PV Humber Club whose David Clark confirmed that Humbers changed little between 1938 and 1948 because a lot of this period was in wartime.  Would the  registration  help in NZ  locally??

1938 Humber Snipe

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: cca 1954 Morris Cowley Pick-up
Bit of a sad photo received from Daryl Fraser from an isolated part of North Queensland (Australia) of a ute “rusting in peace” in a  Mareeba paddock, and which he hopes to restore. Our friends at The 6/80 & MO Club advise this is a 1954 Morris Cowley Half-ton Pick-up Truck which left the factory in Cowley England as a CKD (Completely Knocked down Kit) no. 29540 between June and Sept 1954, and have been assembled in Zetland (the 38670 bit). Also very active 6/80 & MO club in Australia. 

1954 Morris Cowley Half-ton Pick-up Truck

Photo received from Konstantine (Greece) saying Hi, I'me Konstantine from Greece. I need some help identifying a classic. Pictures attached and I have plenty more if needed. Thanx K. Relative easy this one although I initially looked at the wrong maker. The car is in fact a cca 1956 IFA F9. This car was manufactured in the German Democratic Republic by Industrie-Vereinigung Volkseigener Fahrzeugwerke (1948 -56) and was based on a pre-war DKW prototype.  DKW was the F89-91.

1956 IFA F9

Fascinating set of photographs received from Mrs. Joan Green from Lancashire (UK). They are all from an album discovered in her late great aunt's loft. Being  into family history she was hoping it was from her family from Lancashire, but they all seem to be around London and the Thames so the album may have been there when aunt moved in. The name on the album is Allvey. The car has the very distinctive protrusions on the radiator tank.  Any help would be much appreciated.

Unidentified - Allvey 01


As can be seen from our Help Pages we normally do succeed in identifying practically all vehicle photos which we receive. Occasionally some photos may take time and very occasionally we get stuck. Clicking on the photo on the right opens the page containing some photos we are yet to crack ! Any help would be very much appreciated.

1906 Globe
WEDDING CARS               :    Number of Emails asking if any SVVS Members do weddings. Yes !
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink below to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam:

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars -  25 - 382

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions. If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us.

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