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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

(Click for 2001 Meetings) ::   [  SVVS Meetings held during 2002  ]   ::

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::[ SVVS Christmas Party - Hand in Hand, Box Hill  - December 2002 ]::
A new event added this year to the SVVS calendar was a Christmas social to which ladies could along without having either to listen to boring talks on old cars or having to stand in drafty car parks watching husbands kicking tyres. Lovely grub was laid on and great fun was had by all including Santa Claus who kept being asked for those hard to get Ford spares. Evening was rounded off by an auction for McMillan Nurses.

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 ::[ SVVS Members on the London to Brighton Run - November 2002 ] ::
The Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society has a number of Members with veteran cars eligible to enter the 'London to Brighton Veteran Car Run'. This year we had three: a 1900 3.5 HP Benz Vis-a-vis, a 1902 Wolseley 10HP Tourer Toneau and a 1904 Northern Silent Runabout. Two had problems before the event and one on the morning, but it seems that all was resolved before the actual start and all three had a very good run. 

  :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley - October 2002 ] ::
The Six Bells is a very picturesque pub hidden away in the suburbs of Horley by Gatwick Airport and this was the first visit by the Society. Possibly because of its location or that it was cold and gloomy, we had new Members attending. It also did not also help that for the first time this year it actually rained at an SVVS Meeting, so not much tyre kicking. Says something for the good luck SVVS has with the weather.

  ::[ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Dog & Duck - September 2002 ]::
The Dog & Duck is located on Outwood Hill in Surrey not far from the Outwood Windmill. This was our second and the 'official' visit to the Dog & Duck this year. True to tradition this was, as has become normal, one of the least well attended meetings of the year. Lots of excuses from everybody, including that lots of Members had spent all day yesterday at the Reigate Tunnel Display meeting and that the Grand Prix was on.

  ::[ SVVS at Reigate Tunnel by the Sand Caves - September 2002 ]::
The SVVS was again invited by the Reigate Business Guild to display our vintage and classic vehicles in old Tunnel Road above the Reigate Caves in the support of the Reigate Autumn Extravaganza. The event was held in conjunction with the Institute Jazz Band and Cave Society. In view that the Reigate Caves are rarely opened to the public and not much is generally known about them, many took the opportunity to visit them. 

 :: [ Edenbridge & Oxted Show - Historic Car Display - August 2002 ] ::
This year’s Edenbridge & Oxted Show went off remarkably smoothly with over 40,000 visitors. The weather was good on both days with no rain, so no mud, which was a great disappointment to all. But the temperature was remarkably different. On the Sunday it was tee-shirts and shorts, whereas on the Monday it was stout jeans and anoraks; dry but windy. Ten SVVS Members there on Sunday and 24 on the Monday.

 :: [ SVVS Family Summer Picnic, South Godstone - August 2002 ] ::
The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held in the Chairman's pony paddock. The turnout was quite good with 19 proper cars. The weather remained mostly sunny, warm and fine. The entertainment of the day was the mini tractor and trailor reversing slalom which was much more difficult for those of us who are entirely horse-less carriage orientated unlike some with horsy trailors who do it for their daughters every day.

  :: [ The Lingfield Steam and Country Show, Lingfield - August 2002 ] ::
The Lingfield Steam and Country Show has moved to a  new venue at the Blue Anchor Show site and appears to be under new management. The Fair is the successor to the Redhill Steam Fair and has always been known for a good display of Steam Traction Engines, Steam Rollers and Steam Lorries, and it was nice to note that the theme has continued. It was also nice that the SVVS has consolidated its vintage car paddock. 

 :: [  SVVS Evening Meeting - The Dog & Duck, Outwood - July 2002 ] ::
This meeting was normally held at the Plough in Bletchingley which was closed for refurbishment, so the Dog & Duck was chosen at the last moment. The Pub is by Outwood Hill not far from the famous Outwood Windmill which is still in full working condition and a local tourist attraction. The Dog & Duck is a mile away and is now popular having been modernised a few years ago and is again under new Management.

 :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - July 2002] ::
After one of the coolest dampest Julys, the sun burst though for our meeting in Newdigate. Driving through the lanes made one realise how fortunate we are to live in such a pleasant part of the country. The Surrey Oaks is one of the best kinds an olde worlde pub with a large car park and  garden. Add to this a cheerful landlord, real ale and good food and one could not want for a better place to enjoy a Sunday lunchtime.

:: [ Ardingly Vintage Vehicle Show  - Ardingly, Sussex  -  July 2002 ] ::
The Ardingly Show is not one that is noted in the SVVS calendar but is a Show that is attended by a number of our Members including our regular 'snapper' Tony Oakes who once again provided lots of photos and details. The Ardingly Show  has many classes of vehicles including steam traction engines, veteran, vintage and classic cars, caravans, motorcycles, fire engines, vans, commercials, tractors and machinery. 

  :: [   SVVS Evening Meeting  -   The Star, Lingfield   -   June 2002   ] ::
For a fair number of our members the journey to the east of the A22 is largely uncharted territory but nevertheless a large number took advantage of the fine sunny evening to exercise their vintage motors. But for some of us the day’s vintage motoring had started in a much more sad vein rather earlier when we attended the funeral of our good friend and long standing SVVS member Eric Parsons who died suddenly.

  :: [ "Cream Tea Run"  - Knight's Garden, Woldingham - June 2002 ] ::
The weather was cool and overcast so it was just as well we were booked for the afternoon at Knights Garden Centre in the conservatory. The tea was up to its usual high standard and the young staff did their best to cope with the sudden influx of some 35 hungry members of our Society. The cars were parked on the front lawn and gave an impressive picture of times gone by. Some plant buying and tyre kicking followed.

:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Skimmington Castle, Reigate - May 2002 ] ::
As is traditional, our summer evening season started with a visit to the Skimmington Castle, a pleasant olde worlde pub hidden on Reigate Heath. The ever cheerful landlord was once again on car park duty to ensure that no moderns crept into our half of the steeply sloping car park. Continual heavy showers during earlier part of the day must have put some people off coming,  although over  42  proper  cars  attended.

  :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Wattenden Arms, Kenley - May 2002] ::
The new SVVS 'Summer Season' commenced again this year at the historic Wattenden Arms in Kenley near the famous wartime Aerodrome. The old  'RAF Station Kenley' is just south of Croydon and was together with Biggin Hill part of a ring of 'sector centres' used by the RAF to defended London during 'The Battle of Britain'. Because of their importance, both were heavily bombed by the German Luftwaffe .

   :: [ London To Brighton Commercial Vehicle Road Run  -  May 2002] ::
The usual SVVS Commercial Enthusiasts entered their lovely vehicles in the 'HCVS London to Brighton Commercial Vehicle Road Run' and all seem to have got there. The usual bunch of SVVS voyeurs met up at Pease Pottage Services half-way halt to see them through and to feast on some most impressive machinery which is rarely seen outside the specialist Shows.  See over 50 photos by Tony Oakes and Bozi Mohacek .

   :: [ The Enigma of Bletchley Park - SVVS Museum Visit - April 2002] ::
In mid April, rather than having a lunchtime pub meeting, we journeyed by coach to Milton Keynes to visit Bletchley Park, the wartime home of Station X which cracked the Nazi cipher codes generated on the infamous Enigma machines. Decoding the Nazi's wireless messages probably shortened the war in Europe by two years. The first atom bomb may well have first exploded over Berlin rather than Hiroshima.

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      :: [  SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel,  Reigate  - February  2002] ::
After the great sell-out success of our Annual Dinner last year held at the TuTu L’Auberge, a larger venue was needed for this year's event. The Reigate Manor Hotel seemed to have fitted the bill. 110 of us enjoyed a three course meal; mackerel pate, chicken with chestnut and Pear Belle Helen. The young waiting staff were most efficient and cheerful. The later Grand SVVS Raffle raised £363 for Macmillan Nurses.

      :: [ New Year's Day - Fox-on-the-Hill, Lower Kingswood - January ] ::
We have met for a noggin and a natter at Fox in Lower Kingswood for about five years now on each New Year's Day. Whilst the Fox is not an 'official' event, quite a few members turn out to celebrate the start of a new year. Although the temperature was below freezing it was a bright sunny morning, and nowt better for clearing the old head following the previous night celebrations than a quick blast in a drafty old motor car. 

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