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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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Normal formal internal meetings at the Hand-in-Hand would NOT be described here.


Christmas Social at the Hand-in-Hand

  ::[ SVVS Christmas Social - Hand-in-Hand, Box Hill - December 2010 ]::
One of the newer events which was added to the SVVS calendar a few years back continues to be a great success. The Christmas Social is get together to which ladies could come along with their husbands without having either to listen to boring talks on old cars or having to stand in drafty car parks watching husbands kicking tyres. Grub was laid on by the pub but there was a danger that it may not go round. Nevertheless, much chat & great fun was had  by all, - with turnout of some 59 people.

The Red Barn, Blindley Heath, Lingfield

   :: [SVVS Lunchtime Meet - Red Barn, Blindley Heath - October,2010] ::
This is as relatively new venue for us which is proving quite popular among our Members. We had some 25 cars turn up on a really lovely and quite a hot day for October. It was also noted that many members ate outside. Vehicles included the lovely Sunbeam motorcycle belonging to Chas Moody which many had not seen before. The infrequent Gossets turned up with two (!) cars, the Moggy Traveller and the XK150. We also had a visit of a go-faster red Ferrari and a nice 1968 3.4 Jaguar saloon. 

SVVS at Reigate Tunnel

   ::[ SVVS at Reigate Tunnel Historic Car Display - September 2010 ]::
The SVVS was again invited by the Reigate Business Guild to display our vintage and classic vehicles in old Tunnel Road above the Reigate Sand Caves in the support of the National Heritage Open Day Scheme. The weather was not particularly nice to us again, deterring any would-be entrants. Our vehicles created quite a bit of interest in Tunnel Road, so many thanks to all SVVS members who attended despite the grim weather forecast which turned out to be not near as bad as predicted.

Inn-on-the-Pond, Nutfield

  :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Inn o/t Pond, Nutfield  - Sept. 2010 ] ::
It always seems to be a nice day when we visit the Inn-on-the-Pond, whatever time of the year we come. Now at its regular time of September, the weather did not let us down either. Some 10 proper cars came which is not exactly overwhelming. Clive Ellis finally parted with some dosh and has become an official member with his rather imposing Rolls Royce coupe, which he uses with his other maharajah Rolls for weddings.  New  to me  Triumph of Chris Lory  and  MG of David Lockett.

Floods at the Watermill, Dorking

   :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Watermill, Dorking - August 2010] ::
This was an absolute record even by the standards of some recent low turnouts; ONE SINGLE SOLITARY proper car turned up at the newly reinstated venue of the Watermill Dorking. The pub was great. It used to be one of our regular venues until it burned down. The refurb is great, the food was great, beer was fine, and everything about the pub is to be recommended. So why such a bad turnout? Well its England in August !! Deluges of  flooding rain  all day and night.  Few of us came in moderns.

Picnic in style with the SVVS !

      :: [ SVVS Summer Picnic - Church Farm, Horne - August 2010] ::
The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held this year on a pleasant day at a very rural location of Julie & Bozi Mohacek's Church Farm beside the rather lovely St Mary's Church in Horne. As usual free drinks greeted the Members on arrival dispensed by Messrs Drew and hotdogs cooked by Messrs Mohacek juniors and served by Julie and Joanne. Picnic included a quiz/treasure hunt involving a walk round the farm and the next-door  Church  looking for clues raising  £40  towards  church funds. 

Massed ranks at Plough Bletchingley

   :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Plough, Bletchingley - July 2010] ::
Although the Plough has by far the most space for our vehicles on the grassy knoll,  we have had our share of problems at this venue. Over the years the pub has run out of beer, ran out of glasses and in recent years the weather has been far from kind. Forecast was fairly settled so what could go wrong? On leaving home a newsflash that an airport coach had overturned at the M23/M25 junction bringing closure to the motorways. The Plough continues the tradition  with around 50 vehicles.

Intrepid few at Amberley Museum

        :: [ SVVS Visit to Amberley Museum , West Sussex - July 2010] ::
"Amberley Amble" had a pretty poor turnout. Four cars, plus one late, and only nine people. The Amberley site is enormous which really cannot be explored properly in one day. There is simply too much to see and involves a fair bit of walking, or chufferpuffing, or clipclopping or opentopbussing. Entire buildings of exhibits provided by such as British Telecom, Southern Electricity, Southdown etc crafts, collections etc. I  will  need  to  return  to see  more  of  it!  Fabulous day,  fabulous place !

Allard, yes, an Allard at the Six Bells, Horley

     :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley - June 2010 ] ::
No problems with suspected murders at the pub, as was the case a couple of years ago, so the pub was open to be serving beer. However, this year latecomers were being told to go elsewhere as the pub had run out of glasses and could not cope with any more customers. Certainly more moderns in the spacious car park than previously. However our members are more interested in cars than beer, well some, so the evening continued. Two new post-war vehicles:  an Allard  and a Bitter. 

Aston at Surrey Oaks, Newdigate

    :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - June 2010] ::
If one were looking nominate a timeless English country pub then the Surrey Oaks in Newdigate would be high on the list. With its low beams-ouch-rambling layout, pleasant garden and variety of real ales, there can be no better place to while away a summer's afternoon. Weather at this venue is always at the very least good or otherwise brilliant.  Could do with more like it! This also seems a popular place for unveiling new cars. Being a local for Tony Russell, lots are Hot Rods resident in village.

SVVS cars at Brooklands

     :: [ SVVS Visit to Brooklands at the invitation of JEC - June 2010] ::
Our Member Peter Clark is also the Chairman of the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, Surrey Region, who meet at the Brooklands Motor Museum. JEC Regional Committee extended an invitation to the SVVS to join them at their Thursday July meeting in their oldies and to display them along with JEC Jaguars. During the evening Peter arranged for a guided tour of the Museum and for exhibits to be laid on for both sets of club members. Some 20 SVVS cars attended a superb evening. Many Thanks.

Busy night at the Skim

 :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Skimmington Castle, Reigate - May 2010 ] ::
As is traditional, our summer evening season started with a visit to the Skimmington Castle, a pleasant olde worlde pub hidden on Reigate Heath. The landlord had once again ensured that no moderns crept into our half of the car park, and we ensured that we prevented all moderns coming in by occupying most of the other half. As usual the Skim was one the best  turnouts of the year,  but as usual  not all cars  were  ours. Perhaps it is time of year, but the Skim continues to be popular as ever.

The Plough & Furrow, Smallfield

 ::[SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Plough & Furrow, Smallfield - May 2010]::
It seems as if our Members are beginning to find the Plough& Furrow in Smallfield because the turnout was considerably up on last year. Mind you, that would not have needed much because in 2009 only five cars turned up. This time we had a quite a fair turnout of 16 vehicles including two potential new members who found us on the internet. A few mutters were heard that Members could not get tables in the Restaurant.  Perhaps next time it would be better to  book  in  advance.

The Black Horse, Hookwood

    :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Black Horse, Hookwood - April 2010 ] ::
The Black Horse at Hookwood, has been on our calendar for many years but it never seems to get a significant attendance.  It is perhaps a bit early in the year to get the old cars out, confirmed by the fact that vintage cars were outnumbered by classics 4 to 8. This may also suggest that Members with classics are keener to get out when compared to the vintage brigade. The Black Horse is a smart modern pub with lots of tables and extensive menu; another family gastro-pub. 

Black Swan at Ockham

     :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Black Swan, Ockham - March 2010 ] ::
It should perhaps be admitted that our first visit to the Black Swan at Ockham, scheduled as a “visiting pub” was not exactly a raging success. A brave experiment of going to the western fringes of our area to attract the members in that area. In the event only seven proper cars and a couple of moderns turned out. It must also be said that it was Mother’s Day and that ‘every son and his mother’ had booked all the tables  for lunch. This is not  a drinker’s pub,  more a gastro  family pub. 

SVVS Treasure Hunt

                 :: [ SVVS Treasure Hunt - Orienteering - March 2010 ] ::
Not actually a Treasure Hunt but a non-competitive drive between a number of villages where it was then necessary to park, get out of the car and walk to find all the clues. We assembled at the Fox Revived, gently toddled off to look at old churches, and eventually reassembled at the Lamb Inn where lunch had been booked. The ‘Special Four’ of Jackie and Simon Pearce together with Madeleine and Steve Brooks, only managed measly 27, whereas Mohaceks brilliant 24 and Testers 22.

SVVS Dinner at Reigate Manor Hotel

     :: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - February 2010 ] ::
We had returned to the Reigate Manor Hotel for the Annual SVVS Dinner and had also been very fortunate to obtain one of UK's greatest after dinner speakers, Stuart Turner. In view of the Speaker and that Reigate Manor had provided a superb meal for a reasonable cost, we had the best ever record turnout of 126 people. Stuart had agreed to speak if we contributed the proceeds of our raffle to his charity 'The Motorsport Safety Fund'.  The speech by Stuart was absolutely brilliant.

The Beehive, Woodhatch

 :: [ New Year's Day Lunchtime - Beehive, Woodhatch - January 2010 ] ::
Back in March a 'Barbecue Summer' was forecast which turned out to be one of the wettest on record. In October the same genius with the seaweed forecast a mild winter.... The New Year dawned crisp, sunny but cold which may have accounted for the smaller than usual turnout of older vehicles in the car park, although a wee bit up on last year. There was a very good crowd of our members in the bar, so much so that the staff  had problems  coping with the  food orders  at one  stage.

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