Lunchtime Meeting - The Black Swan, Ockham - March 2010] ::
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It should perhaps be admitted that our first visit to the Black Swan at
Ockham, scheduled as a “visiting pub” was not exactly a raging
success. A brave experiment of going to the western fringes of our area
to attract the members in that area. In the event only seven proper cars
and a couple of moderns turned out. It must also be said that it was
Mother’s Day and that ‘every son and his mother’ had booked all
the tables for lunch.
The Black Swan turned out to be a very smart modern pub with lots of
tables and extensive menu. Not a drinker’s pub, more a gastro pub.
None of our Members had been successful in gaining a table in advance
and therefore not many came because of it, which is shame. While we
accept that the meeting clashed with Mother’s Day and that some would
not have been there because of taking ma out, others simply went
elsewhere, where they could get a table for lunch. This would seem OK if
they go out every Sunday to a pub specifically to have lunch, but surely
the point of organising a SVVS Meeting is to meet socially and “kick
tyres”. Bit sad for the SVVS organisers to receive phonecalls to say
they wont be there only because they could not get a table.
Those that came in proper cars were Messrs Roger Bishop in the Morris
repmobile, a solo much travelled Julian Alderton in the MG Y beermat,
Angela Hume in a Ford Prefect, Howard Palmer in the lovely Lagonda
Rapier, Alan Pratt in a MGB GT, Ken Berry in the Jaguar E type, and me
in my Jaguar XJR due to graunching noises coming from the back of the
XJS on return from the Treasure Hunt. Earlier on Peter Clark had been
there in his NG but scarpered. Also there was Desmond Peacock who did
not think any of his numerous Amilcars would make it.
All in all, a disappointing meeting. Must do better next year and
hopefully avoid Mother’s Day!
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