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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ New Year's Day Meeting - The Beehive, Woodhatch - January 2010 ] ::

The text below is by Chris Cuss and the photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). 

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Back in March a 'Barbecue Summer' was forecast which turned out to be one of the wettest on record. In October the same genius with the seaweed forecast a mild winter, those of us who suffered in a Reigate gridlocked by snow and ice in December would beg to differ. The New Year dawned and it was no warmer which may have accounted for the smaller than usual turnout of older vehicles in the car park at the Beehive. Nonetheless there was a very good crowd of our members in the bar, so many that the staff had problems coping with the food orders at one stage.

Hero of the day was Roger Bishop who braved the freezing drive from Westcott in his 1913 Berliet AM3. Roger will be our speaker at the February meeting when he will be talking about the marque. Next oldest car and equally rare was the 1926 Gwynne owned by our former member Geoff Duck. The final car from the vintage years was the 1929 Chrysler 75 driven by Tony Tester. The only post-vintage car was the 1937 Riley 12 hp Falcon owned by John Mountain. Moving to post-war we noted Thelma Alderton's 1948 M.G. saloon; Ray Hobb's 1972 Rover 2000 TC and Barbara Scott's Alfa Romeo Spyder. Bob Drew and Derek Wright both brought 1970 Morris Minors, saloon and estate respectively whist Rob Hubbard was in his 1975 MGBGT Jubilee model. Finally we can mention our chairman's 1984 Jaguar XJS as it now qualifies under our 25 year old protocol.

Bryan Goodman had hoped to arrive in his Amilcar but found the battery to be lacking amps so accepted a lift in Mary's modern. Desmond Peacock now has a choice of 4 Amilcars but none was on parade despite living close by. We also opted for a modern as our Riley Kestrel was booked for a wedding the next day and we wanted to keep it clean having spent a day with the wax polish. By way of digression the wedding went very well with our Hon Chairman following us to the church in his Rolls with four bridesmaids and the bride's mother aboard!

As mentioned there was a good turnout spread across the pub and it was difficult to note all who were there. We can report that Tony Russell was still alive although clutching a Coca Cola and trying to avoid bright lights. Simon Bishop arrived late as usual and our new secretary was keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings.                                                                                                         Chris Cuss

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