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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Star, Lingfield - June 2002 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos are by Tony Oakes and Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page has been sized to be viewed at 800 x 600. Being evening, photos were taken with very little light so have been artificially lightened to be viewable.

For a fair number of our members the journey to the east of the A22 is largely uncharted territory but nevertheless a large number took advantage of the fine sunny evening to exercise their vintage motors. But for some of us the day’s vintage motoring had started in a much more sad vein rather earlier. You may have heard elsewhere of the sudden death of our good friend and long standing SVVS member Eric Parsons who had edited the SVVS Magazine for ten years and who had served on the society’s committee for far longer. His cremation took place earlier on the afternoon of our club night. In some ways it was fitting that this was so. There was a good attendance from the SVVS as well as from the Surrey Sporting Car Club at the Committal Service conducted by the assistant vicar of Kingswood where Eric had lived for most of his life. After the service there was a reception in the restaurant near the crematorium where our cars were seen by other mourners.

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As this is the meeting when we enjoy the longest daylight we take advantage to travel to where, for most of us, is the furthest outpost of our catchment area, Lingfield, by the Racecourse. Messrs Oakes, Mohacek, Erroll and Co may ignore the previous sentence. At the Star in Lingfield the car park was packed solid when we arrived and continued to be even more jammed with later arrivals. Luckily some moderns left, which made more room for us, thankfully everyone was good-humoured and there was no road rage exhibited by those who were blocked in. The car above is a recently restored 1930 Austin 7 Ulster Sports owned by David Ralph, who also has a Guy Bus.

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Members whose cars I could identify included Michael Doughty with his wide bodied 1930 Alvis 12/50 and Desmond Peacock with his 1927 Amilcar Grand Sport. There were a number of Austins this month. Alan Rees drove his 1932 Seven special and David Cole his 2 seat and dickey 12/4. In addition there was another open Seven, a concours 1933 Austin Seven Box Saloon owned by Richard Clarke and the large saloon that has appeared at our last two meetings but whose owner continues to elude me. John Chapman’s 1937 Bentley Thrupp and Maperley drophead tourer was tucked into the far corner and although a late arrival Tony Tester’s large Chrysler also found a wee parking space, whereas John Shelldrake was in the middle of everything with his go-faster modern.

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Bozi Mohacek was worried that I would overlook his small Citroen so made a point, several times, of telling me where it was hidden. (Ed: Only because you manage normally not to see it !!) Mike Erroll had brought the custard coloured Ford model A whilst John Kirkby came in his small tan coloured Humber and parked alongside Bozi’s Citroen. Local resident and photographer Tony Oakes was one of the first to leave in his large 1930 25/70 Humber Snipe. After he had left Clive Bracey roared in with the cheese grater bonneted Jaguar XK 120. Our editor Julian Alderton was in his Y type M.G. saloon and our past temporary editor Colin Mulford was in his polished TF two seater.

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Frank Hayter came in his 1934 Morris Oxford 6 and from the previous decade P. Dingle brought his 1923 bullnosed Oxford tourer. The third Morris was the 1934 10/4 owned by Mike Gorman. There were only two Rileys this month the 1935 Lynx of Brian Lloyd Jacob and my 1930 tourer which was running in its rebuilt engine following last season’s broken crank. Simon and Jackie Pearce brought their magnificent Siddeley Special whilst Don Bingham came in his Singer Le Mans. Don Williams just managed to squeeze in with his 1927 boat tailed Trojan.  We are pleased to report Nigel Walder arrived in a magnificent 1934 Lagonda M45 tourer that he has be restoring for some years. 

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Other interesting vehicles were a yellow Harley Davidson motorcycle alongside a black BMW with sidecar (of Oriental or Russian origin !) and  Derek Bashford brought along his British 1960 650cc Matchless. The Dellow Special that we saw at the Skimmy put in a second appearance and was parked by a Deux Chevaux based trike special. Around the corner was an interesting Jowett Special, being blocked in by a Volkswagen Beetle Special, the origins of which were well within our catchment period. An open M.G.B. wore an SVVS sticker on its windscreen saying David Kennett has got it back on the road. Simon Bishop sneaked in late as usual in his 1925 Singer 10/26, for which there is very little excuse as he only lives 50 yards away down the same road.

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Much interest was created by the appearance of a Wolseley Hornet fitted with a Trinity body by Meredith Coachworks of Birmingham. The body was so named because it gave three styles; an open four seater or by pulling the rear seat squab up and across it became an open two seater then by removed the fold down hood from the boot is became a closed four seater with glass side and rear windows. In all the body was fitted to five BSAs, 9 Wolseleys and 17 Rileys before Meredith closed down in 1934. This was a rare and well-restored car that belonged to a local resident. Period touches included an RAC handbook for 1934 as well as other period accessories. The 'hat' being worn by Colin Mulford is famous for being banned from the London Queen's Jubilee Parade (which he led in his MG) for being too ostentatious; well it was an MG!  In  view of the long drive home we left as dusk was falling but not before Bozi again reminded me that he had brought his Citroen.

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