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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Cock, Headley - March 2014] ::

Please click on any thumbnail picture below  to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). The text  below is by Chris Cuss and photos by Bozi Mohacek.

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SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Cock, Headley - March 2014                                                    By Chris Cuss

What a difference a year makes. On the same Sunday last year it was raining 'Datsun Cogs' and only five damp members turned up in moderns. This year was wall to wall sunshine with the temperature around 20C, as warm as in Spain. Your reporter made note of some 25 cars parked outside of the 'Cock' and could well have missed some as he was not sure if they belonged to our members.

Sad to report that there were no pre-war cars present, perhaps they are all still tucked up for the winter or being fettled. We are, perhaps, in danger of becoming a classic car club but hopefully will never lose sight of our origins. Your reporter was guilty of leaving his 1935 Riley at home on the grounds that it had been well used during the week, whereas the 1994 MG RV8 had been hibernating since December and so needed a blast through the lanes. Arguably the last classic MG, only 1800 RV8s were produced over a 3 year period and are quite rare these days. However there was also a blue one in the car park owned by visitor Chris Ralls who had come along with our member Graham Appleyard. Graham had brought his much modified Mazda MX5 that always provokes a degree of head scratching. Staying with the MG theme Cynthia Ireland arrived in the 1952 TF that she and Michael purchased last year. There was also a brace of MGAs, one which was owned by visitor Paul Desmond who hopefully may join us.

Our membership secretary Peter Clark and Mrs Membership Secretary each arrived in an NG, one with four cylinders the other with eight. Aided or hindered by Tony Russell they soon hoisted the brand new SVVS flag banner and very impressive it looked. Hopefully it will become a regular feature of our outdoor meetings. Both of our lady Morgan owners put in an appearance. First to arrive was Angela Hume in her coffee and cream coloured 2008 Roadster, thankfully restored to health after being savaged by a white van man who failed to see a queue of stationary traffic. The other Morgan was the timeless 2000 model year 4/4 belonging to the ageless Diana Willows (or should that be the other way round?). We welcomed a trio of Daimler V8 saloons. The green 1969 example owned by Alec Mackenzie and the red 1967 one belonging to Chris Seabrook. I do not have note of the owner of the second red one.

Tony Spencer arrived in his latest Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. Will How tucked his 1956 Lancia Appia into a slot at the far end of the tarmac and made a beeline for the dining room accompanied by his passenger, fellow Lancia fancier, Harry Scott. We had a brace of big Mercedes; Malcolm Ward's 1989 500 SEC and Guy Fancourt's 1988 300E. It is not often that we see two Jaguar XK150s but we enjoyed comparing John Curtis's 1958 drophead coupe with the fixed-head parked opposite. Our chairman's 1984 XKS HE V12 coupe takes up so much room that he had to park on the upper level. In total contrast Gerry Barr's small but perfectly formed 1991 Honda Beat can park more or less anywhere.

Hon. Sec. Malcolm Bailey brought his Opel Manta coupe along, Chris Geary was close by with his 1952 Healey Tickford, Brian Daley had brought his 1968 Triumph TR5 and completing that corner was a Morris Traveller not on my lists. Mention must also be made of founder chairman Derrick Graham who came in a modern and most energetic Doug Wright who just happened to be cycling past when he saw the gathering and stopped for a beer. It was a fantastic start to the season, far more like June than March. The pub was doing a roaring trade with most forsaking the dining room to enjoy eating an al fresco lunch. Let us hope that we have many more such meetings this year.

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