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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley - June 2004 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page has been sized to be viewed at 800 x 600. Being evening, photos were taken with very little light so have been  lightened for easier viewing.

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We held an evening meeting at the Six Bells for the first last year and an excellent venue it turned out to be. The pub is of the genuine olde worlde variety with enough low ceilings and uneven floors to present something of a challenge to the taller and less stable of our members. No car park has a larger tarmaced area for our cars yet the turnout, although fair at 34 vehicles, was not as good as we achieve at the Skimmington Castle or the Plough. Unlike the previous month's meeting when the rain fell on us but not elsewhere we only felt a few spots during the evening that caused a flurry of hood raising. However the roads on the way home were exceedingly wet so a fair amount of rain must have fallen elsewhere.

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Our former secretary Desmond Peacock obviously has much more spare time since relinquishing his post. He has been usefully employed in the motor house working on his 1923 Amilcar CS Petit Sport that was making its first appearance at one of our meetings for many years. A very pretty car although Desmond did say that he has not fitted the correct engine as yet. We look forward to seeing much more of this delightful light sporting car during the rest of the year. 

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Jaguars were out in force. J. Maxwell's XK150 out-gleamed everything else in the car park particularly as he has the bonnet up to reveal an immaculate engine bay. Clive Bracey and Mike Erroll both brought their XK 120's and '2 Jags' Mohacek brought the one with 12 cylinders. M.G.'s were out in force also, although all were post-war. The Hon Ed was in his 1947 Y type saloon; Michael Benton brought his 1955 TF and Graham Roach his immaculate and rare fixed head MGA coupe. Progressing to MGB's we noted the GT's of Graham Roach and Lionel Higginson together with the roadster owned by Alan Rothwell. 

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Rileys were out in force. From the post-war Nuffield era we noted Dave Kilmer's RME and Dave Keen's rare RMC coupe. The latter was, I believe, making its first appearance at one of our meetings. Moving to pre-war; another car that we have not seen for a long time was Graham Brown's 1937 12/4 Adelphi. Regular attenders were John Manvers with his 1934 12/4 Falcon, and my 1930 9 hp Tourer that had clocked up 300 miles during the previous five days. Only two Morrises to report; the 1928 flat nosed Cowley belonging to Chas Moody and the 1970 Minor 1000 owned by Peter Sowerby. John Sheldrake arrived in his MGB based NG four seater.

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Simon Bishop was early for once as he came in the passenger seat of Alan Reid's Austin Seven special. David Cole brought his very tidy 10/4 drop head coupe of 1933 vintage and moving to post-war Longbridge we noted the A40 Somerset owned by Colin Fytche. Bentleys were represented by David Smart's 1924 3 litre and Tony Spencer's 1963 S3 saloon. Tony Tester was pleased to have his 1926 Chrysler Imperial back on the road for the rest of the summer whilst Gordon Tapping brought his remaining Humber16/50 tourer. 

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Bill Ray arrived in his special bodied Jowett Jupiter, Nigel Walder was once again exercising his 1934 Lagonda M45. Derek and Jacqui Wright were in their Rover 110 'Auntie' type whereas Raymond Hobbs was in his rather later 2000 TC. Simon Pearce and Gordon Self both came in their moderns. Cars not on my list were a Borgward saloon of around 1960 vintage; a Mini Cooper again looking from the 1960's with a rally light on the roof; a post-war Standard 8 and a Triumph Stag with a rally plate from the 24th Euro Stag rally held in Nijmegen in the Netherlands during May.

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