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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [  Edenbridge & Oxted Show   -   Ardenrun, Lingfield, Surrey  -   August Bank Holiday  ] ::

The Edenbridge and Oxted Agricultural Show, and the prestige and invitation only Historic Vehicle Display, is held at "Ardenrun" which was once the country estate of 'Babe' Wolf Barnato, a famous 1920s socialite, extremely rich from South African diamonds. Wolf Barnato, apart from being a works Bentley driver, a winner of many sportscar and Le Mans races, was the money behind W O Bentley and eventually owned the famous Bentley Motors before it was sold to Rolls-Royce. The Edenbridge and Oxted Show now held on this estate runs over two days which allows the Historic Vehicle Display to be split into two sections determined by the year of the car's manufacture; on the Sunday we have Classic Cars(1945+), and on Monday we have Veteran & Vintage Cars (1945-). The Invitation List is limited by fixed size of the static Display Ring,  but please apply for next year.

The SVVS Website has now been in operation for just over a year and  there are already in excess of 1,000 photographs on this site dealing with SVVS and other vehicles. Photos can be seen via the Venue summary pages leading to specific Event pages on either:  2002 Recent Venues Page  or  2001 Last Year's Events Page   or if you require any HELP or for INFORMATION on any car or make try our  Web Assistance PageBelow is the List of Entrants and their car details for the 2002 Show.

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2002 - CLASSIC CAR DISPLAY, Sunday 25th August
1	Mr. Brian Neale 		1967 Alvis			TF21
2	Mr. Brian Smith		1954 Armstrong		Sapphire
3	Mr. Keith Piper		1965 Aston Martin		DB5 Drophead
4	Mr. Miles Pinninger		1971 Bristol		411
5	Mr. Phil Davies		1965 Chevrolet		Corvette
6	Mr. Stuart Pickford		1953 Daimler		Conquest
7	Mr. Ray Jacobs		1963 Daimler		Dart
8	Mr. Brian Wheeler		1972 Fiat 			Arbath 695
9	Mr. Stephen Bigg		1959 Ford 			Prefect
10	Mr. Edward Prothero		1965 Ford			Zodiac
11	Ms. Joan Cairncross		1970 Ford			Capri
12	Mr. Derek Couldry		1968 Hillman		Husky
13	Mr. Mick Goodson		1948 Jaguar 		Mk 4
14	Mr. Clive Bracey		1950 Jaguar 		XK 120 Drophead
15	Mr. John Suttie		1956 Jaguar 		XK 140 Hardtop
16	Mr. David Lilley		1958 Jaguar		Mk 8
17	Mr. James Whitmore		1964 Jaguar		E
18	Mr. Paul Cockerton		1975 Jensen		Healey
19	Mr. Brian Gordon		1952 Jowett		Javelin
20	Mr. John Hodgkinson 		1952 Jowett 		Jupiter
21	Mr. Colin Mulford		1954 MG			TF
22	Mr. Andrew Brock 		1955 MG 			Magnette ZA
23	Mr. Bryan Shepherd		1966 MG			Midget
24	Mr. David Booker 		1968 MG			C
25	Mr. Michael Hennesey		1970 MG			B
26	Mr. Edward Warrilow		1949 Morris		Low Lite
27	Mr. Geoff Hoskins 		1960 Morris Minor		Traveller
28	Mr. Terry Wickens		1966 Morris Minor 		Convertible.
29	Mr. Jack Carter     		1947 Rolls Royce		Silver Wraith
30	Mr. Graham Martin		1949 Standard 		8
31	Mr. Dennis Taylor		1952 Sunbeam Talbot 		Mk 2
32	Mr. Jim Adams		1955 Sunbeam		90
33	Mr. Michael George		1947 Triumph		Roadster
34	Mr. Roger Horstman		1955 Triumph		TR2
35	Mr. Christopher Hewitt		1953 Triumph 		Renown
36	Mr. Michael Metz		1959 Triumph		TR3A
37	Mr. Michael Towner 		1965 Triumph 		Herald
38	Mr. Simon Adamson		1970 Triumph		GT 6
39	Mr. Keith Wood		1975 Triumph		Stag
40	Mr. Peter Marsh		1960 Vauxhall		Cresta
41	Mr. Allan Jones		1962 Wolseley		6/110
2002 - VINTAGE CAR DISPLAY, Monday 26th August
1	Mr. John Curtis		1934 Alvis			Speed 20 SB
2	Mr. Mike Fay		1933 Armstrong Siddeley 	LWB
3	Mr. Keith Piper 		1934 Aston Martin		Sports Saloon
4	Mr. Ian Dimmer		1911 Austin		15HP Tourer
5	Mr. John Milne		1923 Austin 		7 Van
6	Mr. Alan Moriarty		1926 Austin 		12/4 Holden
7	Mr. Alan Reid		1932 Austin		7 Sports
8	Mr. Patrick Kent		1934 Austin		10/4
9	Mr. Jan Van De Pol		1935 Bentley		3.5
10	Mr. John Chapman		1937 Bentley 		Derby
11	Mr. David Smart		1911 Ford			Model T
12	Mr. David Locket		1913 Ford T		Skiff
13	Mr. Mike Errol		1928 Ford			A Roadster
14	Mr. Tony Russell		1937 Ford			7W
15	Mr. Tony Oakes		1930 Humber		Snipe
16	Mr. Alan Benewith		1936 Jowett 		Jason
17	Mr. Peter Gwynn		1938 Lagonda		V 12
18	Mr. Harry Scott		1924 Lancia 		Lambda
19	Mr. David Glew		1939 MG			TA
20	Mr. Derek Wright		1946 MG			TC
21	Ms. Thelma Alderton		1947 MG			Y
22	Mr. Peter Dingle		1923 Morris		Bullnose
23	Mr. Don Simpson		1925 Morris		Oxford
24	Mr. Francis Hayter		1934 Morris		Oxford 6
25	Mr. Mike Gorman		1934 Morris		10/4
26	Mr. Terry Rolph		1935 Morris		8 Tourer
27	Mr. Chris Cuss		1935 Riley 			Kestrel
28	Mr. Derrick Owens		1937 Riley			Tourer
29	Mr. Peter Price		1927 Rolls Royce 		20
30	Mr. James Walker		1935 Rolls Royce		20/25
31	Mr. Simon Bishop		1925 Singer		10/26
32	Mr. Donald Bingham		1933 Singer		Le Mans
33	Mr. Simon Pearce		1924 Stoneleigh		Chummy
34	Mr. Nick Leeves		1938 Sunbeam Talbot		10
35	Mr. Peter Gwynn		1933 Talbot		75 Sports
36	Mr. Peter Deeley		1933 Talbot		105
37	Mr. Paul Walby		1937 Talbot		BD75
38	Mr. Clive Mellor		1935 Triumph Gloria		Southern X
39	Mr. Jon Quiney		1940 Triumph 		Dolomite
40	Mr. Don Williams		1927 Trojan		Tourer
41	Mr. Leo Smith		1917 Am.La France		Special

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