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:: [ SVVS Christmas Social Meeting - Horne - December 2019 ] ::


The following photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow
 (top left of screen). 

See report on the Evening at the bottom of the page.

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Janet and Chas Moody taking a well earned rest after they were gallantly volunteered to dispense the beverages
 and take in the monies, - which they did admirably!! Their efforts made the event swing !!  Many Thanks!


Julie and Bozi Mohacek (Mr & Mrs Chairman) presented with flowers and plonk by Tony Russell (Publicity Officer)
as thanks for laying on this Society event at their home.
(Photos by Michel Gossett & Malcolm Ward)

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During the evening a Raffle was held for the Alzheimer's Society for which Mrs Chairman, Julie Mohacek, is a Registered Volunteer.  The prizes on offer were a Wicker Hamper full of Christmas Goodies (donated by Mrs. Chairman) and a bottle of rather nice 12 year old Whiskey (donated by Tony Oakes).

The first prize of the hamper was won by Malcolm and Sheena Bailey (our hard working Hon Sec) and the whiskey by Zack Stiling.
We are very pleased to advise that Raffle raised a goodly sum of £255 for the Alzheimer's Society. Well done everybody !!

Full Farmhouse - 2019 SVVS Christmas Social    
(Edited  report by  By Malcolm Ward, SVVS Magazine Editor)

Our Christmas Social was again held at Church Farm, hosted by Chairman Bozi and Julie Mohacek. Member attendance hit an all time high with 68 booked to attend, but only 60 eventually turning up. It is a little difficult and disappointing in a private house to cost and ensure there are enough supplies for all who have booked to have enough of everything, and then having 10 people as no-shows.  I, with the intention of giving assistance, arrived quite early, but as I gathered my goods from the car, a steady stream of other members’ cars pulled into parking spaces next to me. I was surprised to see Tony and Julia Tester arrive in their 1935 Chrysler Wimbledon. I didn’t revisit the car park until leaving, so this may have been the only ‘proper’ car in attendance. We were greeted at the door by Bozi who ushered us through to the kitchen where Chas and his wife Janet were handing out our magazines and drinks. Julie was busy bustling from one side of the kitchen to the other while Michael Harvey quietly placed nibbles and serviettes around the long kitchen table. Quite suddenly the kitchen seemed crowded, so some went looking for more room, of which this charming old farmhouse has aplenty. Some rooms had tables and chairs, others had lounge seating and one had comfy seating facing an open log fire which suited me nicely! I was just talking to Doug Wright about his recently acquired 1929 boat tailed Austin Seven open tourer when Michael Harvey announced that food was served. This welcome news inevitably led to a surge of members heading for the kitchen, but we needn’t have hurried, there was more than enough of everything to go around. Quiches, Scotch eggs, sausage rolls, sandwiches for all tastes and other delights. When we had all devoured the contents of our plates for the second time, Tony Russell summoned everyone to crowd into the kitchen for a ‘thank you’ presentation to our hosts; flowers to Julie and wine to Bozi. We applauded them both. This was immediately followed by the raffle prize tickets draw. The Raffle was in aid of the Alzheimer's Society for which Julie is a Registered Volunteer. This was done by Bozi under supervision from Julie. The wining prize of a Christmas Hamper went to Malcolm and Sheena Bailey, the second prize of a bottle of Scotch went to Zack Stiling. Time seemed to fly from that point and all too soon members were saying good night and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The Raffle raised £255 for the Alzheimer's Society which was most impressive and many thanks! We are not certain where we will meet for our next Christmas Social, but we must appreciate that Julie and Bozi deserve a well earned break. 

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