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:: [ Christmas Social Meeting - Horne - December 2018 ] ::


The following photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow
 (top left of screen). 

Janet and Chas Moody were gallantly volunteered to dispense the beverage and take in the money, - which they did admirably!!  See report on the Evening at the bottom of the page.

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Julie and Bozi Mohacek (Mr & Mrs Chairman) presented with flowers and plonk by Tony Russell (Publicity Officer)
as thanks for laying on this event at their home.

                                                           2018 SVVS Christmas 'very' Social Evening         

Having avoided all injuries this year I decided not to push my luck and leave early. However I hadn't expected to find my car windscreen frosted inside as well as out, so spent five minutes warming the engine in order to clear a patch of screen large enough to peer through.

Arriving safely at the farmhouse I discovered the party to be in full swing. Greeted at the door by Bozi I was directed to a suitably dressed Chas Moody who was collecting contributions and handing out SVVS Christmas magazines. Chas then passed my attention to his wife Janet who was in charge of refreshments. After collecting my wine I soon became absorbed in conversations with various members on a range of subjects, then suddenly remembered I was supposed to be taking photos for the magazine.

No sooner had I taken a few photos when the arrival of food was loudly announced by Tony Russell. Julie Mohacek and Michael Harvey had been busy filling every available kitchen work top space with plates, bowls and dishes crammed with sandwiches, sausage rolls, salads, quiches, scotch eggs, mince pies, stollen bread and more!

To minimise chaos, most elected to collect their plates and circulate anticlockwise, but there's always a rebellious few, led by Tony Russell in this instance I believe, who decided to circulate in the opposite direction causing general confusion. Moving to the opposite side of the kitchen it was generally considered easier to join them rather than fight against them, but of course we were immediately outwitted and again came face to face with Tony and his followers!

But of course, this didn't prevent everyone filling their plates and retreating to the various rooms throughout the ground floor, made available to us in this wonderful old farmhouse. Soon the voice of Tony Russell was heard again, this time to announce a presentation, so I quickly rummaged for my camera once more. In the Kitchen, Tony Russell, on behalf of SVVS members, presented flowers to Julie and wine to Bozi, in gratitude for their generous hospitality.

After a period of time eating, drinking, chatting and laughing, members started to make their rounds bidding good night. Julie and Michael were busy clearing away empty serving dishes while Chas and Janet tided up the empty bottles. I made my round of saying good night to the few remaining members, then thanked Bozi and Julie for a wonderful evening. It was then that I heard the very good news that Bozi and Julie were quite willing to host the Christmas Social next year ...whoopee!

Chas later reported 55 members attended, including our hosts, and Janet reported that the bar hadn't run dry. Well done and thank you to all those involved.

(Abridged from full report by  By Malcolm Ward, SVVS Magazine Editor)

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