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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS at Vallance Gatwick Aviation Museum at Charlwood, July 2017 ] ::

The following photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow
 (top left of screen). 

Please Click on the photos below to see full  SUPERSIZE PANORAMIC  details !

Gatwick Aviation Museum

SVVS at Gatwick Aviation Museum

Gatwick Aviation Museum

SVVS at Gatwick Aviation Museum

Gatwick Aviation Museum
Please Click on the photos above to see full  SUPERSIZE PANORAMIC  details !

This year's Summer Saunter to Gatwick Aviation Museum was organised by Malcolm and Sheena Bailey and saw the best turnout of members, families and friends, - and cars, for this event. Malcolm had provided two detailed route maps of how to get from Morrisons car park in Reigate to the Museum at Gatwick, a staggering distance of 7.8 miles, or 14.5 if using country lanes. Probably more mileage in one day than most members do in their oldies all year!  Both routes were described in detail on a route sheet with all visual indicators and signposts, with map. 

For professionals there was a separate four sheet 'Tulip' section of the route with a useful introductory section explaining what the Tulip Diagram is trying to tell you; probably incomprehensible without. Malcolm had even gone to the trouble of doing a version in kilometers! And to cap the notes, there was a sheet on historical notes on villages being passed through. Real labour of love.

Thirteen cars had assembled at Morrisons and made their various ways from Reigate to Charlwood, some guided by tulip diagrams via the local lanes, others taking a more direct route. They were joined by another ten who had came directly from home using their satnavs and TomToms. SVVS were given pride of place to park their cars in front of the impressive and massive Avro Shackleton. Cars ranged from the twenties to the eighties, along with a 2008 MG TF, and included two Morris Cowleys and three red E-type roadsters - surely a local record outside the ranks of one make clubs. Shame that only one of them actually stayed for the duration.

It was particularly encouraging to welcome a number of ladies and to see members bringing along their young people and, hopefully, future society members. Chairman Bozi was chauffeured by Mrs Chairman Julie in her newly-acquired Austin A35, followed by son Simon and Annika in an MG Midget. David Smart was accompanied by his brother and grandson in his stately Rolls 20/25, Malcolm's son and grandson were also visiting, while Ralph Thompson brought along his grandchildren. With the weather on our side many people had bough picnic lunches which they took next to their cars adding a very festive feel to the area. 

After lunch many members visited the very comprehensive new museum building recently constructed and opened. We had previously been to the Museum as SVVS some 20 years ago when it was run by its founder Peter Vallance who had started it in 1987 and who had long campaigned to get planning permission for new buildings. Most of the exhibits in those days were out in the open and the buildings were chicken sheds. Peter died in 2014 but the new team carried on and eventually succeeded in getting the new building up and open. From the photos above it can be seen that the new venue is most impressive and comprehensive !

We understand that the collection includes the following aircrafts: Buccaneer S.1, Hawker Harrier Jump Jet, Hawker Hunter F.51, Avro Shackleton, Gloster Meteor, English Electric Lightning, Blackburn Buccaneer, Percival Sea Prince, Gloster Meteor, Lightning, Sea Prince, DeHaviland Sea Vixen, DeHaviland Venom etc. and a display of nearly 30 aircraft engines. 

Our helpful hosts, lead by museum manager Ashley and Derek, and the superb organisation by Malcolm and Sheena, provided an enjoyable and successful society outing - and a strong indication that the Summer Saunter should remain on the SVVS calendar of events.

Please Click on thumbnail Photos below to enlarge.
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SVVS at Gatwick Aviation Museum

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