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:: [ The SVVS Treasure Hunt - April 2019 ] ::

The following photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow
 (top left of screen). 

The Treasure Hunt was organised by Bruce and Liz Glover, who won it last year, and commenced at Denbies Vineyard. As has now become a bit of a norm, the SVVS participants are now working in pairs, sharing a car. Our 'team of Hon Tres and Chairman, was being chauffeured by the Chairman in the red XJS. The first batch of clues was in the Denbies extensive 'shop' with thousands of items for sale. One of the questions related to the maker of a bar of fragrant soap. (!)  Notwithstanding a couple of fruitless hours searching for similar items, a hint was given that there is also a 'Farm' shop on the other side of the campus. Now they tell us! 

The next batch of clues was in the wilds of Leith Hill lanes at a Windy Gap Car Park. The lanes in that area absolutely beautiful in early spring; single lane with passing places and high steep rocky banks- at one of which there issued from the XJS a very loud bang followed by a spitfire engine racket. Being a V12 the XJS has two banks of independent sets of exhaust plumbing, one of which had sheared and fallen forward. This immediately impeded any further forward progress as warped piping would destroy the rather complex V12 engine compartment and also probably rip out the floor of the car. Fortunately a number of SVVS Members were following so Hon Tres went al fresco in the Bishop Singer while the Chairman waited for the AA. 

The AA were wonderful. A lovely jolly mechanic arrived within an hour, not bad on a 'Drive it Day' and said he could sort it so I could drive carefully home. And indeed within half an hour he materialised from the innards of the AA 'kit of weird bits' an internal expanding boltable spring tube. With lots of him pushing and me pulling from the back, he got the joining bit into the two broken bits of the manifold, tightened up the expanding bolt and hey-presto the exhaust system was back together albeit held on for safety by a long bit of wire hanging from one of the body straps. Sounded like a Sherman Tank but got me to the Black Horse which coincidentally was directly on the way back home!

In the meantime everybody else had finished the run and was tucking into their lunch. I snuck in just before 'last orders', by when Bruce and Liz Glover had gone through the Treasure Hunt forms and announced the ultra-competitive team of Christine and Ian Scott in their E Type as the winners. Ian was hear to say' Taken part three times; won three times! '  Second were united teams of the Austin-Mephams in the Healey and the TR. Third were the perennial team of Tony and Julia Tester in the Al-Caponemobile. Another Tester was also present in an equally interesting vehicle, an Indian Motorcycle probably of the type used by the police to chase Al Capone.

Lovely day, lovely weather, lovely company and lovely lunch for all. Shame about the Chairman and the XJS, and the impending repair bill !!

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and the Treasure Hunt finished at the normal SVVS Sunday Meeting at The Black Horse, Hookwood

Photos in this section are by Hon Sec Malcolm Bailey 
and show additional cars which joined at the Black Horse
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Clue-setters and Invigilators Bruce and Liz Glover having lunch and later Bruce announcing the results:
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Bruce Glover (left) handing over the Winners prize to Ian and Christine Scott: 

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The prize for 'The Spirit of the Event' went to Chairman Bozi Mohacek 
who despite a partially immobilized XJS managed to make it to the Black Horse
just about in time with great help from the AA

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