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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - July 2006 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). 

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If one were looking nominate a timeless English country pub then the Surrey Oaks in Newdigate would be high on the list. With its low beams -ouch- rambling layout, pleasant garden and variety of real ales there can be no better place to while away a summer's afternoon.

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Being lunchtime, eating was high on the agenda and we had arranged to meet friends so car spotting had to take second place. The hot weather also caused my tape recorder to go into sulk mode so this report is a combination of memory and attempted translation of various squawks.

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We drove down in my 1935 Riley Kestrel to take advantage of the shade offered by a closed car. Our fellow travellers Harry and Barbara Scott are made of sterner stuff and travelled in their open 1924 Lancia Lambda tourer. Various forays into the heat of the car park revealed the following cars of interest. There was a 1960 frog-eyed Sprite owned by Nigel Saynor and the rare Jowett Jupiter belonging to James Fisher. 

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We had a pair of Fords; the 1921 Model T tourer belonging to local resident Gerald Thorpe and the 1937 7W drophead owned by Tony Russell. Another pair was the Jaguar XKS V12 driven by our regular cameraman Bozi Mohacek and the XK 150 drophead coupe belonging to John Maxwell. Still on the pairs theme Jon Quiney brought his 1949 Triumph Roadster and Roger Horstman brought his 1955 TR2. 

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I have already mentioned my Riley; the second one present was the 1955 RMF belonging to Howard Palmer. By this time Morris Motors or maybe even BMC owned Riley and the RME/F series were the last Rileys not to be badge engineered and share components with other makes.

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Frank Hayter had brought his 1934 Morris Oxford 6 and Malcolm Bailey exercised his 1975 Opel Manta A coupe. A superb Oldsmobile tourer was parked in front of the pub. The M.G. s included the Aldertons in their 1948 Y type saloon, Alan Rothwell was with his 1972 B roadster, Alan Pratt brought his 1967 BGT and Graham Childs his 1972 B roadster.

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Visitor Chris Godwin had a magnificent 1929 4½ litre Bentley tourer and Clive Bracey is showing signs of becoming a gentleman at last by having recently purchased a very sporting Bentley with competition history. This is a 2 seater on the 3 litre chassis but fitted with a 4½ litre engine. Rumour has it that the Cobra replica may have to go; at least that's what he has told Hilary! 

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Last but quite magnificent was David Ralph's diminutive 1904 Wolsey with a plaque proclaiming that it was made in Crayford Kent under Patent Number V45.  ......Any other cars present are lost in the fuzz on my tape recorder.

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