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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - July 2004 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos are by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page has been sized to be viewed at 800 x 600. 

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Weekends tend to be busy so it was a treat to find an empty date on the calendar that enabled us to potter down to the Surrey Oaks for one of our more popular lunchtime meetings. As there was a fair chance of showers we opted for using a closed car and took our 1935 Riley Kestrel. Harry and Barbara Scott were made of sterner stuff as we followed them in their 1924 Lancia Lambda. Several members were already at the inn. John Sheldrake's lady passenger had a little difficulty emerging from his NG as it is rather lacking in the door department. Derek and Jacqui Wright were also concerned about the weather so had brought their Rover 110 saloon rather than the open M.G.

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It was a day for marques appearing in pairs. As well as the Wright's Rover we saw Raymond Hobbs arrive in his 2000TC. Alan Benewith was in his 1938 Jowett 8 whilst new member James Fisher was in his 1934 Curlew, the first time that I have noted this particular car. There were two E type Jaguars; one belonging to Lionel Higginson and the other to that well known poet Anon. M.G.'s were represented by the editorial Y type saloon and the MGB drophead owned by Alan Rothwell. The second Lancia to appear was the Appia saloon driven by Will How. Desmond Peacock brought the third of his Amilcars to attend one of our meetings this year in the shape of the 1927 Grand Sport. No doubt he will have to start the sequence again by bringing the 1921 CC to the Plough.

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Terry Mistry managed to bring both his cars, a feat achieved with the help of his daughter who was in the 1967 Austin Healey 3000 Mk. 3 whilst he was at the wheel of his 1947 Triumph Roadster. Continuing the pairs theme Roger Horstman arrived in his TR6. In fact we had three Jaguars as Bozi came with the V12 powered XJS. Local resident Gerald Thorpe drove all of ¼ mile in his very original looking Model T Ford tourer of 1921 vintage. Another car from across the Atlantic was John Mortimer's 1928 six cylinder Pontiac. I failed to identify the owner of a Standard 8 saloon.

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Normally we do not comment on cars less than 25 years old. However we must make an exception in the case of Clive Bracey's recently purchased, 04 registered, Cobra look-alike. This was a professionally built kit car with a Chevrolet V8 of some 5 ½ litres capacity. From each side emerged a four branch exhaust terminating in an external muffler that stopped short of the rear wheels. Everything under the bonnet that could have been chromed or polished had been and one could only admire of the workmanship and the effort that had gone into its construction.

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Thankfully the showers stayed away and we had a pleasant drive home after an excellent luncheon. The weather had not been so kind on the previous Saturday when again accompanied by Harry and Barbara Scott we attended the Rotary Fete held on Reigate Heath. Roger Gregory of the local garage had organised a vintage car display and a few of our members attended. The rain was dreadful. Driving down Pebblecombe Hill on the way there was one of the worst times I can recall as regards visibility. The road was too narrow to stop; one just had to keep going as best as one could. Thankfully after we arrived the rain ceased for a while but soon the heavens opened again. As far as I can recollect, it was too wet to make notes, I saw the following cars; Bryan and Mary Goodman had brought the Sunbeam and the Amilcar Italiana, Desmond Peacock had also brought an Amilcar, Tony Russell was in his Ford whilst Russell junior brought the Morris Minor, Brian Lloyd Jacob brought his Riley Lynx and the Scoots were in Barbara's Alfa Romeo.

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