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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

:: [ S V V S Lunchtime Meeting - The Star, Lingfield - September 2021 ] ::

Photos by Bozi Mohacek.

The Star is now a popular eatery and traditionally follows on the day after the SVVS exhibition of vehicles at Reigate Tunnel during the Heritage Open Days. Unusually, this year the dates did not clash. As the Tunnel takes up effectively the entire day, this means that Members wives tend not to let their men-folk attend both meetings, therefore the Star attendances can be a bit Sparse. Again, not this time. The Star in Lingfield signals that the 'summer season' is drawing to a close, which is a bit of a shame, especially because of the Covid enforced shut-down for most of the year. The weather at this time of year can be a bit iffy, but this year it was great and was on our side. The sky was blueish and the sun did shone; no need for jackets this year. The turnout was some 21 proper vehicles. The meeting was quite unusual in as much as there was a preponderance of Vintage Vehicles, - eleven actually. The nature of the vehicles generally being used in the Society is changing. There is a gradual turn from 'vintage vehicles' to 'classic vehicles'. Perhaps the Membership is changing too. Older Members tended to have 'vintage cars' because these were the old cars in 'their time', as 'veteran cars' had been for the generation before. As Members have aged and passed away, their cars have gone into  museums and collections, and into the upper price bracket and are now not within easy financial reach of the current generation of 'old car enthusiasts'. For them it is  current 'classic cars'  that are the old cars of their time and generally still priced relatively reasonably. 

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