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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.



:: [  S V V S Lunchtime Meeting  -  The Plough & Furrow, Smallfield  -  March 2018 ] ::

Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Photos and text below by Bozi Mohacek.

This is the second of our Spring outside meetings where we would normally expect to be well into uncovering all our hibernating Vintage and Classic oldies and trying to forlornly find a vacant parking slot in the normally very busy Plough & Furrow car park. Cars would be turning up with hood-down abandon and we would be nonchalantly kicking tyres with a pint in hand. 

However this year new terminology has entered the language: The Beast From the East, and, the Mini Beast from the East. Today on the 18th of March we were subjected to the 'Mini Beast' which had managed to shut down large chunks of the Midlands and North, and was making every attempt to be an absolute pain in the South. Hence the car park was practically deserted, apart from some of our intrepid Members. 

There was only one proper car which actually made it to the meeting; 'proper' as being one that is on the SVVS Register, this was the Chairman's XJS V12. Not actually a major achievement in view that the Chairman lives only about a mile up the road !

In addition to the only British car there, the Jaguar XJS, also present were a bunch of 'moderns', including a brace of Mazdas, one from Malcolm and Sheena Bailey, a Mazda Xedos 6, and the other from Kevin Roberts, a Mazda MX-5.  Other Japanese machinery was being used was by Julian and Thelma Alderton, a Nissan Micra. Continuing with the Japanese theme, airing his Toyota Avensis was Malcolm Ward, and their Mitsubishi Pajero were Roger and Wynette Thornton. New to the Society is Junior Trornton, Leo Thornton and Greta Hoffman, came in an equally foreign but lovely Alpha Romeo Spider. Continuing on the Far East theme, was Mike Gorman, in a Kia Sportage,

Hence, the photos below are very reminiscent of a "Japanese Car Owners Club" meeting!  However, - the most prevalent marque present at the meeting was British, and it was Jaguar; actually seven of them ! 

The Plough and Furrow has relatively recently had a change of Management. The new Manager is Keith Streeter and he has indicated he will be joining the SVVS imminently. He had only recently become aware that we were coming but had managed to assemble a bunch of his Jaguars for our inspection. Regretfully much of each Jaguar was covered in snow and these were parked in their smaller carpark at the other end of the pub. Please scroll down the bottom of the page to see him and his mini expo. As a Jaguar aficionado, the Chairman was much impressed and covets the Daimler V8!

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     The new Manager at the Plough & Furrow is Keith Streeter, 
and below is his his collection of Jaguars !!

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