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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.


:: [  S V V S Evening Meeting  -  The Plough & Furrow, Smallfield  -  August ] ::

Rapid onset of darkness heralded our last evening meeting of the season.  The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Julian Alderton and the photos were taken by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen).  Being an autumn evening, photos were taken with very little light, so have been lightened for easier viewing.

Several members arrived early and enjoyed what is reported to have been excellent meals in the pub which seems to have been `refurbished' half a-dozen times in as many years and is now renamed "The Plough and Furrow". Others enjoyed the garden and the happy sounds of speeding motorcycles and accelerating cars along Plough Road which, although restricted to 30 m.p.h., is a notorious local race track. There were, until recently, two motorcycles that sped through Outwood, obviously exceeding the 50 m.p.h. limit by a wide margin, one of whom made his way each evening to the Plough. A few months ago, however, he took off in his usual manner but sadly he did not live to tell the tale.

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The S.V.V.S. managed to fill the car park of the Plough with a few members moving into the adjacent public area which is separated by a grass bank with kerbstones at either side. Most members did not risk the nether regions of their cars and drove round by the public road but there was one exception when Mike Gorman took his very large `travelling fornicatorium' over the bump. Of course, the S6 Bentley sailed over it in some style. 

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Among the others present, in no particular order, were Frank Hayter's Morris Oxford , Chas Moody's Morris Cowley, Alan Reid's Austin 7 Special, The Chairman's `Inverted Bathtub' Rover, Robin Smart's MG TC, Nigel Walder's Alvis 20/50, David Cox's peculiar Citroen `Tin Snail' with a missing wheel, Desmond Peacock's Amilcar, Jon Quinsy's Triumph Gloria, John Kirby's Humber, Bob Draw's Morris Minor, Bozi Mohacek' s Citroen 5 CV, Robin Vince's Riley Gamecock, Bryan Shepherd's Riley Lynx, Mike Errol's Jaguar XK I20, Tony Russell's Ford 10, Ray Hobbs' Rover 2000 TC, Peter Sowerby's Morris Minor, Brian Lloyd-Jacob's Riley Monaco, Keith Piper's Aston Martin DB 5, Dave Kilner's MG TD and Thelma Alderton's MG Y.

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Your inadequate scribe apologises for any errors or omissions although there were a few unidentified vehicles there including 3 more MGs, and a rather elegant vehicle which, in the gloom of dusk, looked like a Jaguar or an SS.

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Some amusing conversations during the meeting included the comment from Bozi who has had many months of inactivity from his tiny 1925 Citroen 5 CV. This was diagnosed as a failed magneto which he sent for repair, and when queried about the urgency of the work he was asked, `Are you going to race the car this season?' 

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 It was, as usual, a most enjoyable, typical S.V.V.S meeting.     Yours, 'Amnesiac with well worn worry beads'.

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