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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

:: [Redward 1: Warding-off Covid - Red Barn  - September 2020] ::

The following photos are by Malcolm Ward.

In view of the continued spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, the SVVS Committee had earlier taken the decision that SVVS could not organise meetings within the Coronaviarus Regulations and that therefore all our outstanding published meetings are CANCELLED until further notice.  It was however agreed that Members can meet privately, as they have already been doing within the Regulations, and can arrange private meetings and outings, but that these could not be under the SVVS banner nor within the responsibility of the SVVS. Two such events had been organised by Malcolm Ward in Fidlers Field, Godstone, and are made open to SVVS Members to attend but entirely at their own risk. Malcol's next venture was a Saturday Morning  'Breakfast Meeting' at the Red Barn in South Godstone. This approach is generally in line with decisions taken by FBHVC and other major car clubs. The first meetings was held on Saturday 12th September. Photographs by Malcolm Ward.

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With new Covid-19 gatherings restrictions now in place, the meeting at the Red Barn will most probably be the last of the summer wine. The morning of the 12th September was sunny and warm, ideal weather to open the garage doors and dust off your vintage vehicle ready for a run in the country. To take advantage of having the Red Barn car park all to ourselves for an hour before the pub opened, members arrived early and soon the far end of the car park filled with a variety of vintage and classic vehicles, including cars, two motorcycles, a camper van and even a vintage bicycle! Word of the meeting had obviously spread and a few non members arrived wishing to join the SVVS, so Chas Moody was busy signing them up. The atmosphere was relaxed, members conducted themselves in an orderly fashion and social distancing was observed. Having booked tables, many members were awaiting their allotted time. When I set off for home at midday, I left many still enjoying the excellent hospitality the Red Barn provides. A memorable meeting that was apparently enjoyed by all. Let us hope we can return in the not too distant future.


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