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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime - The Inn on the Pond, Nutfield  - March 2005 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos are by Tony Oakes and Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures are sized to be viewed at 800 x 600.

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The Sunday Lunch season got off to a good start with some 20 proper cars lining up in the car park of the above-mentioned hostelry adjacent to Nutfield marsh. First to arrive was John Sheldrake in his 1968 MGB based N.G. Special. A close second were the golf-playing duo of Barbara Scott and Peggy Cuss for whom the joy of not having to cook Sunday lunch outweighed the discomfort of having to travel in their spouses' old motors. At this point your reporter repaired indoors to await his roast beef and Yorkshire so cannot be too certain of the order of arrival from them on.

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A later foray around the carpark, after enjoying a plate of fruit crumble, found a pair of Singers in the shapes of Gifford Wright's 1935 Le Mans and a car of similar appearance owned by A. Non. The M.G. owners were out in force. New member Karen Bruce brought her 1982 MGB roadster and after lunch was seen to enjoy a ride in Derek Wright's 1946 TC. Former editor Julian Alderton arrived in his Y type saloon whilst current editor Colin Mulford was in his 1954 TF.

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Ian Todd had come in his sporting looking 1930 Alvis 12/50 Beetleback and Ronald Vincent brought his 1973 Porsche 911 surely one of the best looking 911's being devoid of wide wheel arches and wings that spoiled the clean lines of the later cars. Bozi `Two Jags' Mohacek brought his V12 powered XJS whilst Mike `Also Two Jags' Erroll had left his V12 at home and was exercising the XK120. We enjoyed the company of a duo of Jowetts in the guise of Alan Benewith's 1938 Eight and Bill Ray's 1953 Jupiter Special. Another twosome was the 1929 Humber 16/50 tourer owned by Gordon Tapping and the 1930 Snipe belonging to Tony Oakes.

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Rileys were represented by my 1935 four light Kestrel and a 1936 Lynx tourer driven by Bryan Shepherd. Tony Russell and Desmond Peacock arrived in the former's 1937 Ford 7W drophead. Harry Scott's 1924 Lancia Lambda had spent the previous day being photographed for the cover of the April edition of the Lancia Club magazine so was suitably highly polished. I failed to note the owner of a Lagonda tourer that I would guess to have been a 1930ish 2 Litre.

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