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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.


:: [ S V V S Summer Picnic, Horne - August 2017  ] ::

The  Great  SVVS  Summer  Picnic  was held again this year at Church Farm, Horne, the home of Julie and Bozi Mohacek.   The photos were taken by Bozi Mohacek.   Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). 

Please Click on the photos below to see full  SUPERSIZE PANORAMIC  details !

Mainly Vintage cars on  parade (above)

Mainly Classic cars on parade

Mainly latecomers on parade !

Parade of non-vintage modern go-faster visitors !

Once again over a 100 members and guests of the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society converged on Church Farm Home, for the annual SVVS Summer Picnic, courtesy of Julie and Bozi Mohacek. Some arrived in graceful 'vintage' Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Aston Martins, Alvises, and in a Vauxhall, Humber, MG, Traction Citroen, Morris and Austin. The 'classic' brigade included many of the iconic British sports cars including Jaguars; Triumph Spitfires, TRs and Stags; Morgans and MGs, as well as foreign classics like Porsche, Mercedes Benz and rally Volvo. The 'go faster brigade' came in some quite exotic machinery including Ferrari Dino, Lotus Exige, and Lotus 211. A raucous bunch came in American 'roddy' gas-guzzler, and the 'green and quiet brigade' came in a futuristic electric BMW i8 and a Tesla P75. There was even a Reliant three wheeler present.

 All guests were welcomed with a glass of wine and a hot- dog before settling down on the lawns around the farm pond to enjoy their picnic lunches. After lunch a most baffling quiz was distributed which had been set by Mrs Chairman Julie and fellow member, Tony Oakes. Two sets of questions tested the participants' knowledge of cars and transportation, and their powers of observation in Mohacek's lovely garden. The prizewinners were each awarded a bottle of wine. The proceeds from the donations to the Quiz raised £200 for St Mary's Church next door. 

Julie and Bozi must be thanked for working so hard to provide the picturesque venue, Janet and Charles Moody must be thanked for spending so much time serving the drinks, and Daniel and Claire Mohacek with two barbecues must be thanked for churning out the hot dogs. A glorious day was held by all in great company, in a superb setting, on a bright hot and sunny day; - and who could ask for more.

(Picnic pictures follow;  -  more on all cars lower down the page)
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