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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ The Lingfield Steam and Country Show - August 2004 ] ::

The Lingfield Steam and Country Show is now established at the Blue Anchor show site but seemed to be somewhat smaller this year. The following photos are by Tony Oakes and  Bozi Mohacek, who has also provided some text. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page to be viewed at 800 x 600. 

The Lingfield Steam Fair has always been known for a good display of Steam Traction Engines, Steam Rollers and Steam Lorries, and this year was no exception, possibly a few more.  It was also nice to note that the SVVS has consolidated its vintage car paddock and that quite a few Members came on two days. Further details of SVVS attendances at the bottom of this report. Steam first.

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According to the catalogue, which gives much fun in error spotting, the oldest steam engine was a 1903 Burrell SCC "Buller"  followed by a 1909 Burrell "Princess Royal", 1909 Aveling & Porter GND "Daisy", 1910 Fowler A5 Road Loco "The Smuggler",  1913 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller, 1914 Aveling & Porter 10 ton Steam Roller "Hengist", 1922 Stanley Steam car, 1925 Foden C type Steam Wagon and trailer, the 1925 Albion Fowler Roller, 1925 Wallis & Stevens Roller "Sir John", 1929 Sentinel Superior "Shrewsbury Knave", 1930 Fowler 10 ton Roller "Lady Janet", and a 1932 Aveling & Porter Road Roller "Heather Rose". There were also a number of mini steamers.

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The Show  had as usual a number of sub sections. One was the Stationary Engines showing engines by Amanco, Bamford, Bentall, BSA, Crossley, Fairbanks Morse, Hartop, JAP, Ingeco, International, Lister, Norman, Petter, Ruston, Scammell, Villiers, Witte and Wolseley.  Model Steamers included a 3" Allchini, a couple of Aveling & Porter, a few 3 & 4" Burell, 2" Minie Minless, a number of 3 & 4" Foster, a Foden, a 3" Mc Laren, a Ruston 4", and a 4" Tasker,  Lorries, Commercials and Busses had mostly relatively modern stuff but included a 1918 Model T, a 1937 Citroen 23, R 1939 Guy Wolf, a 1933 Ford Pickup and a few light commercials of interest. Fire engines were also mainly modern. Being a Country Show it was nice to see the tractors there too; some were quite interesting and unusual machines including the Lanz Bulldog. Other interesting names included  Balford Atom, Bolens Husky, Bristol, Wheelhorse Commando, Pattison Golfcourse as well as a number of Ferguson, Fordson, International, and Massey, to name but a few. 

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The Fun Fair was there as usual as was the Beer Tent and the Autojumble. The Commercial section seemed to have fewer lorries and vans and the car section was also uncrowded. In amongst them was the rather lovely B14 Citroen shown below.

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(The following text is from the SVVS Magazine by the Group Organiser, David Cole.) 

The Society had its usual roped-off area this ear and both days were fine and very hot.  On Saturday we had ten cars with members and families but a mystery entrant in the show programme was B. Nohacer with a 1921 Citroen who turned out to be none other than Bozi. 

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On Sunday we had 13 cars which included one gatecrasher with a 1926 Austin 12 who, as he had driven into the S. V. V. S. compound before being intercepted, was allowed to stay provided that he accepted a membership application form. (I hope we get it back. Ed.) In general, the show seemed a bit better organised this year and the steam section was good. The autojumble was larger and produced some useful bits for John Mortimer's 1928 Pontiac and a useful rear reflector for the writer's Austin 10.

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In case Jacqui did not know, Derek found that the ferret stall was useful again this year and Graham and Sue Martin were seen loading up their Standard 8 with goodies. Chris Geary caused me a wave of nostalgia when he showed me a model of a Southern Railway 'Schools' Class locomotive, `Stowe', which regularly used to thunder past the playing field where I was at school in 1935/36. |He picked this up, boxed, very reasonably priced at the show. Oh ! I nearly forgot, Simon Bishop was last and his little Austin 7 had its place in the corner.

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