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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [CHATEAU SAVIGNY LES BEAUNE MUSEUM - Beaune, Cote-d'Or, France  ]::

The SVVS Website now has in excess of 50,000 photographs dealing with SVVS and other vehicles. Photos of SVVS vehicles at SVVS Meetings can be seen by going to the " Earlier Meeting Archive " page, selecting the appropriate year Venue Summary Page, and then clicking on the appropriate meeting via the heading or picture. 
If you require HELP or INFORMATION on identification of any car or make,  try our  HELP Pages. 
There are now a number of  Picture Gallery Pages  in this 'Gallery Section' which contain lots of varied Photographs taken by Members and Associates on their outside travels internationally. 

Our regular contributor to the Gallery Pages is our French, but UK resident, member, Michel Gosset. Michel and wife Helen came across Chateau Savigny les Baune quite by chance during one of their numerous tours of France. Built in 1340 for the Duke of Eudes and was demolished in 1478 , restored early 17th century by the Bouhier family, and became property of the Migieu family in 1689. In 1979, the chateau was bought by Michel Pont, a winemaker who operated a major 20-hectare winery vineyard. As a former 1960s Abarth rally ace, he opened an Arbath collection and subsequently several other areas with important collections. Chateau Collections include: Arbarth cars-  including 35 racing cars and 600 scale models; Aeronautics - more than hundred fighter jets, military planes, jet aircraft, helicopters and hovercraft; Viticulture - agricultural equipment, wine presses and straddle tractors;  Motorcycles - over 300 veteran/vintage bikes and 1200 models;  Firefighting - twenty fire engines and appliances. Click on thumbnails below for hi-res photos by Michel Gosset.

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Picture Gallery Index


Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size high definition picture

01.jpg (145469 bytes)  02.jpg (121876 bytes)   03.jpg (158304 bytes)

04.jpg (166148 bytes)  05.jpg (164698 bytes)   06.jpg (150623 bytes)
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07.jpg (168950 bytes)  08.jpg (110419 bytes)   09.jpg (155456 bytes)

11.jpg (131973 bytes)  12.jpg (161940 bytes)   10.jpg (153873 bytes)
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13.jpg (132004 bytes)  14.jpg (122582 bytes)   15.jpg (147800 bytes)

16.jpg (121181 bytes)  17.jpg (100101 bytes)  18.jpg (114762 bytes)
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 19.jpg (152541 bytes)  21.jpg (169613 bytes)  20.jpg (191235 bytes)  

  22.jpg (164785 bytes)  23.jpg (136519 bytes)  24.jpg (148220 bytes)  
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25.jpg (136955 bytes)  26.jpg (103100 bytes)  27.jpg (108612 bytes)

28.jpg (139035 bytes)  29.jpg (202196 bytes)  30.jpg (178864 bytes)
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31.jpg (200218 bytes)  32.jpg (199638 bytes)  33.jpg (203563 bytes)

34.jpg (109558 bytes)  35.jpg (119791 bytes)  36.jpg (116161 bytes)
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39.jpg (153082 bytes)  38.jpg (141154 bytes)  37.jpg (133566 bytes)

42.jpg (106329 bytes)  41.jpg (134150 bytes)  43.jpg (83040 bytes)
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44.jpg (148163 bytes)  45.jpg (113577 bytes)   46.jpg (118247 bytes)

47.jpg (139024 bytes)  48.jpg (92234 bytes)  54.jpg (86203 bytes)
Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size
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49.jpg (123705 bytes)  51.jpg (72270 bytes)  53.jpg (123530 bytes)


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