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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ NARODNI TECHNICKE MUZEUM - Prague, Czech Republic  ]::

The SVVS Website now has in excess of 50,000 photographs dealing with SVVS and other vehicles. Photos of SVVS vehicles at SVVS Meetings can be seen by going to the " Earlier Meeting Archive " page, selecting the appropriate year Venue Summary Page, and then clicking on the appropriate meeting via the heading or picture. 
If you require HELP or INFORMATION on identification of any car or make,  try our  HELP Pages. 
There are now a number of  Picture Gallery Pages  in this 'Gallery Section' which contain lots of varied Photographs taken by Members and Associates on their outside travels internationally. 

Our regular contributor to the Gallery Pages, but renowned for his less than regular attendances at our SVVS Meetings, is our French Member, Michel Gosset. Michel and Helen visited Prague in Spring of 2017 and took the opportunity to visit the National Technical Museum. Our Michel Gosset started vintage car racing in his youth in France and at one time owned the ex Bernie Ecclestone 1955 Connaught F1 Type B Streamliner raced in earnest in UK and abroad. He currently owns some potent machinery including a Mk 7 Jaguar, an XK 150, a Triumph Motorcycle but also much more docile machinery including a cca 1923 Citroen 5CV, a Citroen 2 CV and a Morris Traveller, and had a Robin Reliant !  Michel is also a keen photographer and has provided many fascinating photos on our website about Goodwood, Brands and Prescott etc. One of Michel's other hobbies is Clocks, so we will commence his visit to the National Technical Museum, Prague, with a few photos of clocks. There are many thousands of exhibts on show and only a very small selection is shown below!

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Picture Gallery Index

Click on thumbnail photos to enlarge.

Click on thumbnail photos below to enlarge the photo.

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c07.jpg (28919 bytes)  c08.jpg (32966 bytes)   c09.jpg (32771 bytes)

Click on thumbnail photos below to enlarge the photo.

m01'Hildebrand & Wolfmüller.jpg (53977 bytes)  m02'Slavia.jpg (63284 bytes)   m03'Itar.jpg (60212 bytes)

m04'Jelinek.jpg (51911 bytes)  m05'Perun.jpg (59861 bytes)  m06'Puch.jpg (52581 bytes)

m07'Walter.jpg (51983 bytes)  m08'CAS.jpg (38919 bytes)   m09'JAP-Praha.jpg (46356 bytes)
Click on thumbnail photos below to enlarge the photo.
m10'Ner-a-car.jpg (46146 bytes)  m11'Bohmerland.jpg (56499 bytes)  m12'Praga.jpg (52226 bytes)

 m13'Premier.jpg (50535 bytes)  m14'Jawa.jpg (50992 bytes)  m15'Jawa2.jpg (50580 bytes)  

  m16'Jawa3.jpg (45239 bytes)  m17'CZ.jpg (55405 bytes)  m18'Cezeta.jpg (33151 bytes)  

m20'Indian.jpg (44011 bytes)  m21'Harley-Davidson.jpg (54804 bytes)  m19'Dalnik.jpg (45367 bytes)

Click on thumbnail photos below to enlarge the photo.

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Click on thumbnail photos below to enlarge the photo.

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