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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.


There are now in excess of 3,000 photographs on this site of SVVS and other vehicles. Photos of most of the cars can be seen via the Venue summary pages and specific Event pages on: Recent Venues Pages , or if you require HELP or INFORMATION on any car or make, or identification of cars from old photographs,  you could try our  Web Assistance Pages. There are now a number of Gallery pages which contain changing sets of Photographs taken by Members. This Page containing GALLERY 1, of some Members Cars, is currently under construction.       (Click on picture to enlarge)

MEMBERS CARS:        1955 Connaught Formula 1 owned by Michel Gosset
One of six Connaught Formula 1 cars built with an Alta 4 cylinder 2.5l engine to be raced in the British Grand Prix at Aintree. By end of 1955 was fitted with a Jaguar D type engine for the Tasman series in New Zealand. Re-purchased by Connaught and re-fitted with an Alta engine for Monaco in 1957. Purchased at Connaught closure auction by Bernie Ecclestone. Rebuilt with streamline bodywork & Jaguar engine in 1990.

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MEMBERS CARS:                           1950 Delow Mk 1 owned by Nick Woollett
Dellows were made in Alvechuch, Birmingham, between 1948-50, using missile tubing and  mainly Ford parts, and were successful trials and rally cars. This car was supplied to a freighter captain who had it aboard for overseas use. Uprated for long distance trials with a Cortina 1600E engine/gearbox, springs, hydraulic brakes and 15/16" wire wheels. Used for MCC and ACTC trials. Additional pics hereDellow Register here.

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MEMBERS CARS: 1934  Aston Martin Sports Saloon owned by Keith Piper
The only remaining 1.5 litre Aston Martin saloon in the UK. Fully restored in 1993 and it won the AMOC Concours two days after completing the 1500 mile RAC EuroClassic Rally. Car has also been across USA where it won class at the world famous Pebble Beach Concours just after having completed a non-stop 2000 mile run from Vancouver. Keith has also done the  'Peking', and is the Chairman of the Aston Martin Owners Club.

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MEMBERS CARS :           1913 Ford Model T Skiffy owned by David Lockett
This unusual Ford Model T was built by David's great uncle Thomas de Quincey. The body has an ash frame with mahogany planking secured with brass screws. Originally destined as a boat for eldest son, (killed in flying accident) was completed as a car body for next son. Partially dismantled during last war and engine used for other purposes. Inherited on understanding it is to remain in family. Got back old regn.

VSCC Welsh Weekend 2002 :     1924 Humber 8HP owned by John Kirkby
SVVS's David Woodburn was in Wales marshalling at Light Car and Edwardian Section of the VSCC's Welsh Weekend which involved driving tests or a rally on the Saturday and a 10 hill trial on the Sunday. David noted that John Kirkby of the SVVS was also attending and took this photo of the Humber just before it embarked on Hill 4. David left before the final results were declared so didn't find out John's final placing.


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