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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

:: [ Warding-off Covid 19 - Fidlers Field, Godstone - August 2020] ::

The following photos are by Malcolm Ward.

In view of the continued spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, the SVVS Committee had earlier taken the decision that SVVS could not organise meetings within the Coronaviarus Regulations and that therefore all our outstanding published meetings are CANCELLED for the rest of the year.  It was however agreed that Members can meet privately, as they have already been doing within the Regulations, and can arrange private meetings and outings, but that these could not be under the SVVS banner nor within the responsibility of the SVVS. Two such events are being organised by Malcolm Ward in Fidlers Field, Godstone, and are made open to SVVS Members to attend but entirely at their own risk. This approach is generally in line with decisions taken by FBHVC and other major car clubs. The fist meetings was held on Wednesday 12th August. Malcolm Ward supplied these photographs and advised: 

The Fidlers Field meeting went very well. We had only 12 vehicles, but of all shapes, ages and sizes. Total number of people attending was under the 30 limit. Everyone respected social distancing without reminding.

Weather was great and having no toilet was not a problem, probably because of the heat!  It was 8.30pm when we had to call time because the gate was going to be locked for the night. That sent everybody scurrying to their cars! I received many thanks for arranging the evening and attendees said they plan to come again.

Hazel Parker was proud to be displaying her little Fiat 500 for the first time, and new member Ian displayed a very rare Saab. The lady in pink is the owner of the field who allowed us to use it and who came to greet us on arrival. She discovered one of our Members was a near neighbour who lives just down the lane!

1976 Lancia Fulvia1924 Bentley 3L 1983 Audi 80


1967 Ford Mustang SAAB 96

1927 Singer 6 1960 Jaguar XK150 


1990 Land Rover  1927 Singer 6 
1977 MGB 1969 Riley Elf 1972 Fiat 500 1935 Chrysler

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