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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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::[ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - October 2021 ]::
Photos by Malcolm Bailey.

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Coronavisrus scuppered the 2020 SVVS Dinner which had to be cancelled literally at the last moment but Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2021 Annual SVVS Dinner. The Dinner was attended by 71 people which indicated that the Members were keen for a get-together despite what had been happening. Not much could be faulted with the quality of the meal and the efficiency of the service. We were lucky to have Film and TV actor Nicholas Young as our Guest Speaker who gave a witty speech of his life and experiences on stage and screen. There was no official raffle due to Covid but we donated £200 to his charity which was the Royal British Legion. Chairman Bozi Mohacek confirmed his previously announced retiring resignation as Chairman, and subsequently distributed the SVVS trophies. Full report on evening, by our photographer and proposed new Chairman Malcolm Bailey, is at bottom of the page. 

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Chairman's Table
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    Lovena & Nicholas Young with  Chairman Julie and Bozi Mohacek        Master of Ceremonies Tony Russell declares the Dinner open  

Table 1

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Table 2

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Table 3

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Table 4

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Table 5

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Table 6

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Table 7

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Table 8

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Table 9

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MC Tony Russell introduces Chairman Bozi Mohacek who delivers the oration and with wife Julie who hands out the trophies.
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PRESIDENT'S CUP : Simon BishopCHAIRMAN'S CUP : Ian Scott  (collected by Tony Oakes)

HERO CUP : Geoff CoxQUIZ TROPHY : Nigel Walder (collected by Nick Woollett)
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 Film actor, and motoring author, NICHOLAS YOUNG, with wife Lovena, delivers a very amusing talk on his life on stage and screen. 


Janet and Tony Russell thank the speaker Nicholas Young and present flowers to Lovena Young and Julie Mohacek


A Great Evening - Well Worth Waiting For!
by Malcolm Bailey

To say that the recent SVVS Dinner, hosted by the Reigate Manor Hotel, felt like old times is an understatement. Originally scheduled for April 2020, the dinner was an early casualty of the Covid-19 pandemic. With a significant number of our members identified as particularly vulnerable to Covid, the dinner was hurriedly cancelled – hopefully to later in the year. It was only this summer that we were able reschedule to 15th October and contact all who had originally booked to ascertain they were still keen to attend. The response from members was overwhelmingly affirmative: it was clear this much anticipated gathering was set to be a good evening

Master of Ceremonies, our PR Officer Tony Russell, called the guests to their tables and 71 SVVS members and partners caught up with fellow enthusiasts, exchanging tales of lock-down projects and so much more over a sumptuous meal

After the meal, Tony introduced Chairman Bozi Mohacek to present the club trophies. Ian and Christine Scott were awarded the Chairman’s Cup for winning the Treasure Hunt, collected in their absence by Tony Oakes. The President’s cup was awarded to Simon Bishop for meritorious long service to the Society. Simon had been a long standing Committee Member, most notably establishing the pattern of events used to the present. The Hero Award, for a notable restoration, went to Geoff Cox for the meticulous nut-and-bolt restoration of the Rover 105S inherited from his grandfather. Geoff has since taken the car as far afield as Germany. The SVVS 2019 quiz, run by 2018 winner Nick Woollett, was won by Nigel Walder who sadly passed away earlier this year. Nick received the trophy, which he had originally presented to the Society, posthumously on Nigel’s behalf and will be running the 2021 quiz this November. Before introducing our guest speaker, Bozi reminded us that this was to be his last SVVS dinner as Chairman as he was standing down after 12 years as Chairman, and having spent 28 of his 37 years as an SVVS member as a Committee Member. He will nevertheless continue to be on the committee as SVVS Webmaster.  

Guest speaker Nicholas Young, well-known actor, broadcaster and classic car enthusiast, had decided against focusing on classic motoring to avoid boring partners who might be less enthusiastic. Instead, he regaled us with why he became an actor and, starting with a less than successful front doorstep first attempt at the tender age of five, related some of his experiences – claimed to have been edited by his lovely wife Lovena - from a long and successful career. Always able to see the light-hearted side of life, Nicholas had clearly enjoyed acting and held the attention of all as he related some humorous tales interspersed with motoring experiences.

The evening concluded with Tony Russell presenting wine and a donation to his nominated charity to Nicholas, and bouquets to Lovena Young and Julie Mohacek. A thoroughly enjoyable and successful evening, probably best summed up by a remark;
“a great evening – well worth waiting for”. Sincere thanks go to guest speaker Nicholas Young, Chairman Bozi Mohacek, MC Tony Russell, guests present and the staff of the Reigate Manor Hotel.

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