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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

::[ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - April 2018 ]::

Please click on any  thumbnail picture  to see  full size  picture.   To return to thumbnails please click Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). All Photos were taken by Hon Secretary Malcolm Bailey.

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This was the 50th Anniversary  Dinner of the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society

Please Click on the panoramic photo to see full  SUPERSIZE  details !

Pre-dinner drinks were taken in the bar and in the small Brokes Suite
Please Click on the thumbnail photos below to see full size pictures

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Publicity Officer Tony Russell gives a pre-dinner talk on the formation and history of
the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society, celebrating its 50th Anniversary this evening !

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Photographs below taken by Malcolm Bailey and show tables 1-8 at three photos per table
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Chairman Bozi Mohacek starts with a joke  and  then announces trophies to deserving Members
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Mrs. Chairman Julie Mohacek hands out the Trophies

Ian Scott: Chairman's Cup                                              Will How: The Hero Cup
      (for winning the Treasure Hunt)                                   (Historical Vehicle Restoration)
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 Nick Woollett on behalf Tony Penn; Quiz Trophy               Ralph Thompson: The President's Cup          
      (for winning the SVVS Quiz)                                             (For Services to the Society)
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  Ralph Thompson reminisces on start of SVVS         President Derick Graham is one of the founders
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Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size pictures

Guest Speaker Tom  Stimpson gives an informative and moving speech on his experiences and 
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subsequent mental problems following combat service in Afghanistan, Falklands and Iraq.
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Publicity Officer Tony Russell thanks Tom Stimpson and hands over couple of bottles of plonk
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 Tom Stimpson then turns the raffle drum and draws out the winning tickets 
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Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size pictures
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Display of historic SVVS Photos arranged by Malcolm Bailey 
from originals provided by Mike Gorman and others

:: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - April 2018 ] ::

Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2018 Annual SVVS Dinner and was attended by 73 people. This was our 50th Anniversary Dinner so it was an important milestone in our history. The event was celebrated by our Publicity Officer Tony Russell giving a pre-dinner talk on the formation and history of the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society. Two of our founder members attended, one being our President Derrick Graham and the other being Ralph Thompson, who was awarded the Presidents Cup for Services to the Society. Also were present were a number of our early and long-standing members. Our 'court photographer' Malcolm Bailey, with historic photos from Mike Gorman and others, had prepared a pictorial display on entry to the dining hall of many historic photos showing the development of the SVVS throughout the years.

The general organisational aspects of the Dinner from the SVVS side were  handled as normal by Mrs and Mr Chairman, Julie and Bozi Mohacek, who were grateful that all went without a hitch. The Hotel staff were very friendly and efficient and were almost unnoticeable by their super efficiency!  Not much can be faulted with the meal and the service. The meal consisted of a classic Prawn Coctail with lemon and brown bread and butter;  Roast Loin of Pork, mustard mash potato; and Chocolate Fudge Brownie, vanilla ice cream, raspberry coulis. All followed by Coffee and Mints. Vegetarian options and special dietary meal options were provided. Quality and  economy wines were available to purchase beforehand at the bar. A venue that can be much recommended !

It has become traditional that we hold a raffle at the dinner, so Mrs Chairman Julie and her ladies Janet, Thelma and Gosia went on an inter-course walk-about  with their raffle tickets and managed to wangle some dosh from the helpless Members towards the Speaker's Charity.

After the superb meal, Master of Ceremonies Tony Russell announced the Chairman Bozi Mohacek, who subjected the audience to another of his 'shaggy dog joke stories',  - which he had practiced previously on his dogs during their walkies.   It was pleasant to note that the audience laughed more than the dogs!

The Chairman then offered thanks to Tony Oakes for the time and effort he had devoted to collecting all the money and sending out the tickets for this Dinner, to Chris Cuss who took on the politically sensitive job of running the "table plan", to Malcolm Bailey for wandering about the hall all evening being the Court photographer, and to Tony Russell for being the Master of Ceremonies.

One of the other features of the Dinner is the presentation of SVVS Trophies. We have four, three cups and a glass trophy: The President’s Cup, The Chairman’s Cup, The Hero Cup, and The Quiz Trophy. These are all held for one year and then returned. The recipients name is engraved on the plaques on the base of the cups. The President’s Cup is awarded to the person chosen by the Committee who recently or in the past had provided Outstanding Services to the Society. The Chairman’s Cup is awarded to the winner of the Annual Treasure Hunt. The Hero Cup is presented to the person again chosen by the Committee who has undertaken “An interesting Historical Car Restoration Project”, and the Quiz Trophy is presented to the winner of the Annual SVVS Quiz.

SVVS Cups and accolades went to:  The Chairman's Cup was awarded to Ian  & Christine Scott, cup accepted by hubby Ian;  The Hero Cup was awarded to Will How ;  the Quiz Award to Tony Penn and accepted on his behalf by Nicholas Woollett; and The President's Cup to Ralph Thompson for 'Outstanding Services to the Society'. 

As to the Speaker, we were lucky to have an enlightening and interesting talk by Guest Speaker Sergeant Tom  Stimpson MBE who gave an informative and moving speech on his experiences and subsequent mental problems following combat service in Afghanistan, Falklands and Iraq. The raffle raised £326 which was split between his two chosen charities COMBAT STRESS and HATS OFF FOR BOOTSIE. Well done Julie and the raffle girls!

MC Tony Russell thanked the Speaker for fascinating talk and presented him with usual couple of bottles of Plonk. To our surprise the Speaker then pulled out of his pocket the required subscription money to become a member of the SVVS !!

Bozi Mohacek

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