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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - April 2017 ] ::

Please click on any  thumbnail picture  to see  full size  picture.   To return to thumbnails please click Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). All Photos were taken by Hon Secretary Malcolm Bailey.

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Pre-dinner drinks were taken in the bar and in the small Brokes Suite
Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size pictures

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Photographs below taken by Malcolm Bailey and show tables 1-7 at two photos per table
Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size pictures
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Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size pictures
Chairman Bozi Mohacek starts with a joke      and    then announces trophies to deserving Members
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Mrs. Chairman Julie Mohacek hands out the Trophies

Tony on behalf of Julia Tester; Chairman's Cup                            Bruce Reed: The Hero Cup                
      (for winning the Treasure Hunt)                                   (Historical Vehicle Restoration)
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            Nicholas Woollett; Quiz Trophy                                          Robin Vince: The President's Cup   
      (for winning the SVVS Quiz)                                             (For services to the Society)
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  President Derick Graham talks on Shakespeare               ...ably assisted by colleague Dilys               
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Tony Russell thanks President for fascinating talk and presents him with unique SVVS baseball cap
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 President Derrick Graham then turns the raffle drum and draws out the winning tickets 
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:: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - April 2017 ] ::

Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2017 Annual SVVS Dinner and was attended by a about 62 people. We had changed the timing of the Dinner from the normally dark February to British Summertime April  with the hope of that this would have increased the attendance. Regretfully the attendance was much the same, if anything slightly lower, but the being able to park the car in near-daylight did help our more venerable members. It was however noticeable that some of the regular attendees, those relatively young and not hindered by having passed away, did not come. We will have to do some investigation to see why not?

The general organisational aspects of the Dinner from the SVVS side were  handled as normal by Mrs and Mr Chairman, Julie and Bozi Mohacek, who were grateful that all went without a hitch. The Hotel staff were very friendly and efficient and were almost unnoticeable by their super efficiency! The use of the Bar area and the small Music room as pre-dinner drinks seating area was again a great success. The use of the Ballroom adds elegance to the dining. Not much can be faulted with the meal and the service. The meal consisted of a tasty 'coarse county pate, walnut bread and plum chutney' starter; followed by 'pan fried chicken, saute potatoes and vegetables' main course; the desert being 'lemon tart with vanilla ice cream. All followed by Coffee and Mints. Vegetarian options and special dietary meal options were provided. Quality and  economy wines were available to purchase beforehand at the bar. A venue that can be much recommended !

It has become traditional that we hold a raffle at the dinner, so Mrs Chairman Julie and her ladies Janet, Thelma and Dilys went on an inter-course walk-about  with their raffle tickets and managed to wangle some dosh from the helpless Members towards the Speaker's Charity.

After the superb meal, Master of Ceremonies Tony Russell announced the Chairman Bozi Mohacek who subjected the audience to another of his 'shaggy dog joke stories',  - which he had practiced previously on his dogs during their walkies. It was pleasant to note that the audience laughed more than the dogs!

The Chairman then thanked Tony Oakes, the Hon Treasurer, for the time and effort he had devoted to collecting all the money and sending out the tickets for this Dinner. A major one-man undertaking. Thanks also went to Chris Cuss who took on the politically sensitive job of running the "table plan". Thanks also went to Malcolm Bailey for wandering about the hall all evening being the Court photographer, and thanks to Tony Russell for being the Master of Ceremonies.

One of the other features of the Dinner is the presentation of SVVS Trophies. We now have four, three cups and a glass trophy: The President’s Cup, The Chairman’s Cup, The Hero Cup, and The Quiz Trophy. These are all held for one year and then returned. The recipients name is engraved on the plaques on the base of the cups. The President’s Cup is awarded to the person chosen by the Committee who recently or in the past had provided Outstanding Services to the Society. The Chairman’s Cup is awarded to the winner of the Annual Treasure Hunt. The Hero Cup is presented to the person again chosen by the Committee who has undertaken “An interesting Historical Car Restoration Project”. The Quiz Trophy is presented to the winner of the Annual SVVS Quiz.

SVVS Cups and accolades went to:  The Chairman's Cup was awarded to Julia Tester, cup accepted on her behalf by hubby Tony;  The Hero Cup was awarded to Bruce Reed ;  the Quiz Award to Nicholas Woollett  ; and The President's Cup to Robin Vince for 'Outstanding Services to the Society'. 

As to the Guest Speaker, we were lucky to have our President Derrick Graham to gave us a fascinating talk on history of William Shakespeare and the origins of the London Globe Theatre, where he had been a stage manager and had also performed. It was interesting to note that the shape of the Globe was based on roaming performances by strolling players pitching camp at roadside inns which normally had balconies overlooking horse carts in a semi circle acting as the stage.

President Derrick Graham is 91 years old and now cannot see, but notwithstanding forgetting of a couple of dates, filled in by his able colleague Dilys, he delivered his presentation from memory - no alzheimer's there !! His chosen charities were Blind Veterans (formerly St. Dunstan’s) and Sight for Surrey (formerly SAVI) for whom we had raised £270. Marginally up on last year with fewer attendees. Well done Julie and the girls!

MC Tony Russell thanked the President for fascinating talk and presented him with unique SVVS baseball cap for which Tony apparently had to sacrifice his club sweatshirt to purloin the SVVS badge. 

Bozi Mohacek

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