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:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Cock, Headley - February 2020] ::

The following photos are by Malcolm Bailey and Chas Moody. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click Explorer "Back" arrow. 

The Cock at Headley is our first outside meeting of the year so the weather can be pot luck. Yesterday was lovely sunny, warmish and dry. Just perfect for taking the dogs for a hike in the countryside.  Last night, red and amber weather warnings. Today Storm Ciara was battering the whole of the UK, flooding complete towns, closing many roads, washing away railways, shutting down airports and cutting off power. Therefore quite surprisingly we actualy had ONE Proper Car navigate the fallen trees and join three moderns who also made it to the venue!  

                                                                       Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size high definition picture





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The Cock Inn, Headley, Sunday 9th February  By:  Malcolm Bailey, Hon Sec.

After watching the gloomy weather forecast all week, ever hopeful that it would be incorrect, dawn brought lashing wind and rain - confirming that storm Ciara had arrived precisely as predicted. Nevertheless, a few brave SVVS members persevered and duly arrived at the Cock Inn. On arriving, I didn't see any familiar vehicles until an Alfa Romeo Spider parked up and the driver dashed into the pub. I followed to meet Leo Thornton, along with Roger, Lynette and gentle giant pooch who had already arrived in Lynette's Mitsubishi Pajero. After chatting for a while, I bade the Thorntons farewell and left them to their lunch - to see Tony and Gavin Tester parking the '29 Chrysler 70, the only proper car in the car park. With its California number plates, I couldn't help thinking it was a little out of its element. Two other cars present are on the register: Roger and Lynette's 1992 Pajero and Malcolm Bailey's 1995 Mazda Xedos, which has just crept from the reserve list. I checked my emails later in the afternoon to see I'd just missed seeing Chas Moody who had arrived in his Polo. Chas mentioned that Janet said he was mad anyway, so goodness knows what she would have said if he had taken the Lancia! Interesting drive dodging fallen tree branches, stray wheelie bins, deep puddles, etc. but with very little traffic. I was later advised by our Chairman that Julie forbade him to be mad, so locked away the keys to the family 4x4 !

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