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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [ S V V S Evening Meeting - The Bletchingley Arms  - July 2018 ] ::

The Bletchingley Arms ('The Plough' as was)  on the A25 in the village of Bletchingley has been one of our most popular venues for an SVVS evening meeting. These photos were taken by Bozi Mohacek just as it was becoming dark so some have had to be lightened for easier viewing. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). 

The Plough, re-branded Bletchingley Arms, is opposite the dreaded speed camera on the A25 with lots of passing traffic. Our visit pulls in the general public and so is also good for the Pub! When the weather is fine it draws our best, or second best, attendance of Members of the year. 

Weather this time was glorious, being the continuation of this year's heatwave of not having any rain whatsoever for over seven weeks.  They had not cut the meadow of the 'grassy knoll' as the grass war brown and dying and the earth below was utterly solid and rock hard. No hesitation this year of cars going onto the grass for fear of sliding or bogging down !! 

Our Membership Secretary Chas Moody reported that he recorded 60 Members present with 49 vehicles of interest but there were at least ten vehicles belonging to non-members, some of whom took membership forms and may join our ranks. The hotrod brigade, which normally join us on the night were late and only bought three cars! Anyway there were some 60 separate vehicles of interest present at the meeting, some seen for the first time, and individually pictured below.
                      Please Click on the photo above to see full  SUPERSIZE details ! 

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Please Click on the photo below to see full  SUPERSIZE  details ! 

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