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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ New Year's Day Meeting - The Beehive, Woodhatch - January 2008 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss (to follow) and the photos by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). 

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Once again the New Year started with a lunchtime trip to the Beehive in Woodhatch just south of Reigate. The small but select line-up outside included Bozi's 1984 Jaguar XJS V12 and Lionel Higginson's desirable 1963 E type roadster. Harry and Barbara Scott were well wrapped up against the elements in their 1924 Lancia Lambda. The other Lancia was the 1963 Appia saloon owned by Will How. 

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Continuing the pairs theme we noted the 1971 MGB GT belonging to Alan Rothwell and the 1975 Jubilee Edition driven by Rob Hubbard. John Manvers brought his 1930 Riley Monaco saloon and Alan Benewith his rare 1936 Jowett Jason. Bob Drew was driving his 1971 Morris Minor 1000 whilst adding a certain presence were the 1933 Siddeley Special of Simon and Jackie Pearce and Derek Bashford's 1980 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow.

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As in previous years our members outnumbered the rest of the patrons so the landlord must have been pleased to see us. He had even gone as far as sticking up our flier on the bar. The weather was cold and damp so there were not as many cars as usual on the forecourt. 

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Thankfully the recent rain had washed away the salt so those who used proper cars did not have the worry of cleaning the undersides on their return home. Sadly my Riley developed a fuel leak at the last minute so we had to use our modern that we discretely parked around the corner.

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A convivial crowd gathered in one corner of the bar as New Year greetings were exchanged. Fish and chips seemed to be a popular choice with the diners, perhaps a welcome change after the all the fancy food over eaten over the previous week.

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