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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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1907 Hallford/Saurer/Liversidge Double-Decker Bus  ] ::

We have recently been contacted (October 2010) relating to the enquiry received from Stanislav Kiriletz  (in 2005) relating to a double decker bus exhibited at the St Petersburg Exhibition in Russia in 1907. We had not been able to positively identify the vehicle but suggested that it might have been a bus made by the London General Omnibus Company (LGOC). This company much later went on to become AEC.

Stanislav has obviously been investigating his photo further and has sent us the cuttings below with the following comment: " Identification is no correct! Now I know!  It is no AEC , it is Hallford (Licence of Swiss lorry Saurer) body of Liversidge. Best regards, Stanislav Kiriletz

We must admit to not being involved in Commercial Vehicle scene to any degree so cannot comment or add much more, apart from updating the entry on our website. Our reply to Stanislav was as follows:  

"Thanks for your  information that the bus is Hallford/Saurer/Liversidge. We do not have any pictures of a Hallford with a rounded radiator but do have pictures of Hallford with very angled bonnets, - and we have no information on Liversidge bodies. Early Saurer bonnets were rounded so perhaps the chassis was a Saurer rather than a Hallford /Saurer. The Sourer coach body looks very similar to the Liversige body. Interesting. We have a later Hallford lorry on our  Help Page 9.

The Hallford/Saurer/Liversidge photo you submitted seems to indicate that the bus for the 1907 St Petersburg show was to be handled by "Motor Car Emporium". It is interesting to note from the catalogue of the London 1907 Commercial Motor Show a report that Hall and the Motor Car Emporium handled entirely different makes: Other exhibitors of motor-buses include the Beaufort Motor Company, Ltd., Messrs. J. E. Hutton, Ltd. (Berliet), the New Arrol-Johnston Co., Ltd., Messrs. J. and E. Hall (the Saurer system), Mors, England, Ltd., the Thames Engineering Company, Ltd., the British Automobile Development Company (Brush), the Motor Car Emporium, Ltd (Durkopp and De Dion), Messrs. Scott, Stirling and Co., Ltd., Messrs. Straker and Squire, Ltd ………..

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