The "Wednesday
Wander" is a invitation event that had in the past been organised by
Bryan Goodman and Tim Harding, both members of the VCC, VSCC, and of the
Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society. Regretfully both Bryan and Tim have since
passed away, and the Covid era had intervened.
The event has now been picked up again by Tim's brother Andy Harding and
Tony Oakes who had organised the last recent events. The Wednesday Wander
is a non-competitive jaunt into the countryside and is intended for
'vintage era cars'. This limitation is being relaxed and more recent cars
are venturing to join the run. This year the starting point was the
Pheasant at Buckland where participants met for coffee at 10.00
The event involves meeting at a starting point, being given navigation
instructions in form of a 'Tulip Roadbook' , and subsequently
navigating the route correctly, to eventually arrive at the finish for a
communal lunch at the Parrot. The run was just about 40 miles, and was intended
to finish at 1pm. It seems, however, some of the participants had
regretfully ended up in un-anticipated locations and Tony's phone was constantly
ringing asking him for the post code of the Parrot. Regretfully some
participants arrived after the photographer had to leave, so not all the
cars that were on the the Run are represented on this page.
The Parrot is a Tardis, - small from the outside but enormous and lovely
on the inside, as well as having a massive awning covered area at the
back. The Parrot is a proper eatery and provided an excellent cold buffet
lunch which kept on coming. The event was marginally smaller this year
involving 23 cars, but was nevertheless much enjoyed by the participants
and is likely to be repeated.
note that the photographs on this page do not enlarge |