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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting, Surrey Oaks - Newdigate  :: ]
June 2023 
Photos by Bozi Mohacek. 

She Surrey Oaks in Newdigate is a timeless English country pub with low beams and gloomy lighting with small alcoves in the old bit, and a current restaurant in the newish bit. It is usually one of the better attended of our lunchtime venues because the pub is famed for its selection of real ales and ciders, and also had own wood pizza oven. It also got a name for holding Saturday morning breakfast classic car meetings. 

The weather has historically been quite good here and true to form it was brilliant again. It is also the local 'drinking hole' of our Publicity Officer Tony Russell whose other main passion is Hot-Rods.
  So he invited a number of his mates to come along who are makers of Hot-rods and users of them. The display was quite impressive. In the final analysis we had about 44 vehicles at the venue, not all ours, especially the 'hot rods', which is down 10 on last year. This was quite a surprise because the weather was really lovely sunny and hot, 31C. Perhaps because of the heat, some people went home early. 

Those who stayed got a sudden drenching from a passing tropical storm, and those on the way home got a free pressurised car wash. The Presidential Pozermobile just got a pre-wash.

For a GREAT VIDEO of this SVVS Meeting at the Surrey Oaks shot by our friend Nick Pettitt who came in the yellow Ford Y Hot-rod, please 

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