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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 
The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [ S V V S Lunchtime Meeting - The Red Barn - October 2022 ] ::  

Photos by  Bozi Mohacek, Michel Gosset & Malcolm Ward

The Red Barn at Blindley Heath is our last outside mid-month meeting of the year and signals that Christmas and New Year are not far away. The outside season is effectively over, and due to the aftereffects of the Covid slowdown, it was over much too quickly. The weather here can be quite unpredictable. One year the whole of the car park was under a foot of water. Last time here it was gloomy cold and drizzly with a surprisingly good turnout of 24 proper vehicles. This year the weather forecast promised nice and sunny, and gave us just as promised, - a lovely sunny day with blue skies, and was relatively warm. The sun however makes photography difficult because the cars are parked in the shade and to photograph them it is necessary to shoot into the sun, with often disappointing results.

The weather and the sun did however help to bring out the members and some lovely cars arrived including the President's not-much-seen-recently 1921 Citroen Model C. The matched set which was to be provided by Michel Gosset in his Model C did not materialize because he preferred the smell of smoke by following the local motor-biking bunch on his twin. Notwithstanding, there was an impressive showing of 39 cars and 6 motorcycles, although not necessarily all ours. Some members also came in moderns. Even more impressive was that our Hon Tres managed the epic journey of 200 yards to get here in the vintage Humber despite complaining of the amount of petrol it consumed doing it. 

Red Barn is a very popular eatery with a lovely smart barn restaurant and has a nice big roomy car park. The pub now has a large yurty pagoda outside which was much used during the Covid era, including by us on a couple of occasions The pub can sometimes be quite packed and getting a table to have lunch can be quite difficult. It started off relatively light in numbers but soon built up to a relatively full car park of which we occupied our normal far-end slot. The mix of cars on view was quite eclectic; from a heard-of-horses Mustang, through a load of purrs of Jaguars,  to wheezy 5 vintage chevaux of the Model C Citroen, - although the traffic on the A22 is quite a leveler making the extra gee-gees rather superfluous.

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