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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 
The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [  SVVS Visit to the Leigh Country Fayre    ] ::  
Photos by:   Roger Thornton

LEIGH COUNTRY FAYRE AND FLOWER SHOW - JULY 2023       Report by Tony Russell

Oh to be in England, this green and pleasant land, or as Shakespeare penned, ‘this sceptred isle’, and as Edward Elgar set to music, ‘land of hope and glory’, but they all overlooked one thing, our weather. England doesn’t have a climate, it has weather, and a lot of it, mostly very variable. Two days before the Leigh flower show, we sat in our garden by my pergola, enjoying a warm summer evening drink with friends discussing our roses, as you do. 

Come Saturday 22nd July, the day of the Leigh flower show, the Gods frowned upon us , the heavens opened and it rained, constantly. The show organisers had kindly invited Surrey Vintage to bring along some of our cars to add to the attractions on the showground, yes, there were plenty of stalls, a brass band, plant and flower displays, stationary engines, some fine classic motorcycles, country crafts, local honey producers, donkeys, there are always donkeys. I like donkeys, nice gentle creatures that don’t try to kick you to death as some horses do. The great and the good with various worthy charity stalls, all very lovely and countryside like. But they all had one thing in common, wet. A damp Punch and Judy entertained soggy and rather noisy children, not sure how politically correct that is in today’s daft woke and compliance obsessed world as wicked Mister Punch whacks his wife Judy and the Baby with a club, and then a hangman appears, hmmm.

Oh yes, the cars, huge thanks to Roger and Lynette who bought along the mighty Dodge Charger, Mick with his newly painted very smart Series 1 SWB Land Rover, John and Anne with their splendid 1949 Triumph Roadster, Arthur in his MGB V8, Doug with his MG J2 and yours truly with the 1937 Ford 7W. Other non members cars included a superb original Morris Minor Panda police car, a delightful Alvis, several vintage tractors and a selection of mainly post war classics, interestingly nearly all saloons, as tourers and open sports cars are not nice to drive in the rain.

By 2.15 pm the rain had not abated so many set off home including your PR Officer who got exceedingly wet in the 7W which, even with the hood up, as it always is, leaks everywhere, up though the floor and  round the screen , I even had rain in the boot, which annoyed me as my car rug got wet. Have you all noticed how much better old cars seem to run in wet weather, it’s all to do with water vapour being induced into the engine, air density and volumetric efficiency. Buy me a beer and I’ll explain.

On a positive note, many thanks to our members who came to support the event, Roger who took some photos and the organisers who invited us. Let’s hope that next year the weather will be kinder to us all.

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