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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 

The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados


:: [  SVVS Evening Meeting - Fox Revived -  Norwood Hill  ] ::
August 2024
Photos by:  Bozi Mohacek. 

         The Fox Revived, Norwood Hill  -   28th August 2024            Report by:  Tony Russell

Originally called The Fox, this historic pub was a favourite watering hole for us back in the 'swinging sixties'. It was much smaller in those days and featured a mangy old pipe smoking stuffed fox that sat behind the bar clutching a tankard, the unfortunate beast was frequently 'liberated' by the local rugby club, to be found elsewhere in the village, then meekly returned the next day. There was also a rack of dusty old books in the bar…a proper pub! The car park was full of cars of the day, Sprites, Morris Minors and Ford Pops that decanted mini-skirted dolly girls with their trendy boy friends in their flared trousers to quaff a few pre-breathalyser pints of real ale at two shillings a pint...happy days! 

There were no miniskirts or flared trousers to be seen when the SVVS held our annual gathering here in August, but as of 60 years ago, the cars on display truly reflected that bygone age of motoring. I counted about 40 classic and vintage cars ranging from Michael and Bridget's delightful 1913 Renault AX, David and Ben's 1931 Rolls 20/25, Alan's 1932 Austin 7 special, David's 1932 Austin 10, John's 1937 Austin 7 saloon, Chris's Lagonda, Amelia's newly restored 1929 Amilcar CGSs. Mike's lovely MG TA Airline coupe. right up to a fine selection of post war classics. All the cars on show were presented to a very high standard, without doubt demonstrating the owners love of their vehicles. Having said that, without any favouritism, there was one that really caught my eye, Secretary Peter's superb 1967 Daimler Sovereign 420, a rare and beautiful car. 

Malcolm Bailey and Bozi were taking photos and Chas was busy distributing the current club magazine while Nandi the PR Labradoodle towed Mrs PR Officer around the field without rolling in anything disgusting! Altogether an excellent gathering, nice people, nice cars, nice venue and nice weather with a glorious red sunset to round off a perfect evening, what could be better.

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 Supercharged bright orange sunset on the way home!

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