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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 

The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [  SVVS Sunday Lunchtime Meeting- Bull Inn   ] ::  
 Chelsham - May
Photos and Report by: Bozi MohaceK

Beautiful day with blue skies to spare, no wind and no rain; just the right type of day to air the supercharger and pay our third visit to the Bull Inn, a country pub situated on Chelsham Common, surrounded by acres of land and spectacular views. Being such a nice day, and knowing the route from previous visits, I decided, once I got to the Anne Summers roundabout, that I would go off-piste into the hills of the North Downs. How hard can it be to do 3.9 miles, even if it all does go wrong? Well, apparently it can be mind-numbingly long, frustratingly boring and highly most dangerous! 

I remember when looking earlier on the map that you go straight for a bit and the turn left. The misjudgment was in the interpretation of a 'a bit'. My bit was a bit too long, which took me up into mountains along the less than-one-car-with-lanes with blind corners and knowledgeable local traffic coming in the opposite direction at some rate, with sheer drops into cavernous valleys miles below. I had no ideas there were Andees passes in Surrey. Not a problem, just how difficult can 3 miles be. Stick with it. Some 10 minutes later saved by a dead-end in somebody's farmyard. At which point, with two satnavs, I thought I was safe. The car one decided the Andees were impenetrable to radio signals, and 'Waze' on the Iphone told me not worry as I was only 2.2 miles away, about 9 minutes. At least I was in the right ballpark area.

So I ask the nice lady in Waze to take me to Chelsham 2.2 miles away. She started merrily chirping to herself about lefts and rights and very soon the 9 minutes had long elapsed and I was in new undiscovered territory which did not in any way resemble Chelham. Lady was undeterred, chatting away, and me progressively more worried, until I arrived some 15 minutes later, and definitively having passed the same common at least once, .. at the Anne Summers Roundabout, where my adventure had started. At this point I stuck with the lady and did reach the Bull some 45 minutes later than anticipated - But I had crossed the infamous Andees passes of Surrey!!

The Bull Inn at Chelsham is disguised in a dead-end slip road on Chelsham Common surrounded by acres of fields and woodlands, and in spectacular views. The pub is on common itself and they have the right to use the common, as we did three years ago, - but not if you need tractors to pull you out. Last few weeks made the common most soggy so it was a squeeze to get our cars as well as the general public into the pub's relatively small car-park. In view of such lovely weather, it was surprising that only 14 of our proper cars made it. All considered, lovely lunchtime spent with friends. Cruise control failed on the way back!

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Later that evening SVVS Member Michael Harvey took the above picture of the Aurora Borealis at Outwood Common in Surrey.

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